

Sardana Enhancement Proposals

This is the main index of the Sardana Enhancement Proposals (SEP).

Please make sure you read the instructions on how to create and work with SEPs. (note that this document is itself a SEP ([SEP0]) which is currently in CANDIDATE status, so it is not definitive yet)

Each proposal should be in a separate page and be linked in the following table

Proposals list

Link status Title
[SEP0] ACCEPTED Introducing Sardana Enhancement Proposal
[SEP1] ACCEPTED Reorganization of code repos
[SEP2] DRAFT Lima integration
[SEP3] REJECTED (handled in [#452]) Adapt to TEP3 (Tango-independent taurus.core)
[SEP4] ACCEPTED HKL integration
[SEP5] ACCEPTED Implementation of tests infrastructure
[SEP6] CANDIDATE Continuous Scan Implementation
[SEP7] ACCEPTED Code contribution workflow
[SEP8] CANDIDATE Remove from Taurus objects the direct Logger dependence
[SEP9] ACCEPTED Compact Read+Write widgets in Taurus
[SEP10] ACCEPTED Taurus separation
[SEP11] ACCEPTED Direct load of .ui files
[SEP12] CANDIDATE Use python Enum instead of taurus Enumeration
[SEP13] REJECTED (moved to TEP13) Unified plugins support in Taurus & Sardana
[SEP14] DRAFT MSENV taurus schema


OLD Tickets: #452
Wiki: Home
Wiki: SEP0
Wiki: SEP1
Wiki: SEP10
Wiki: SEP11
Wiki: SEP12
Wiki: SEP13
Wiki: SEP14
Wiki: SEP2
Wiki: SEP3
Wiki: SEP4
Wiki: SEP5
Wiki: SEP6
Wiki: SEP7
Wiki: SEP8
Wiki: SEP9
Taurus: Wiki: TEP13