
SpamAssassin for Outlook / News: Recent posts

SpamAssassin Windows Binaries 3.1.6 Released

Come and get it in the files section! This release adds a binary port of the sa-learn script.

Posted by Jason Reusch 2006-10-10

SpamAssassin Binary Release for Windows

I've had several requests to just release a compiled SpamAssassin seperately. Just got SA 3.0.2 comiled and posted. Enjoy!

Posted by Jason Reusch 2005-01-14

Aplpha 00.02.01 Released!

Come and get it!

Many, many, many thanks for Reinier for doing most of the work on this release.

The release fixes a problem of working with MS Exchange servers (they don't have
headers so everything was marked as spam). It also creates and sorts mail into
a Spam folder and fixes serveral other minor bugs that make it more stable.

The next release will focus on updating to SpamAssassin 2.6 and adding a basic
user interface to manage options and the user_prefs file.... read more

Posted by Jason Reusch 2003-11-19