
#37 Titles & Rewards


Admin should have a nice interface where they can create titles/rewards.
A title is a short line of text displayed beneath the users name or avatar in her profile. Example: The admin would create the title "developer" and would then grant it to player x y z. '
Titles are typically associated with "roles"... so they should be all saved for re-usage from a simple drop-down menu, so that when admin has to assign them admin doesnt have to write/re-create them all the time. That way admin can just select "developer" from the drop down menu when giving the role to somebody new later on.
Created by admins and given to a user. However, they also have an associated PNG file (e.g. a trophy or star, max 100 x 100 or so) with them. Rewards are of course displayed in a different place/page in the users profile.
Rewards are usually never the same when given out and do not have to be saved for later usage by admins as the titles/roles. For example, "1:st place in Tourney 2011" would only be used once, for one single user. It would be a bad idea to save that reward in a menu for later use by the admin. However, it could be nice to have some rewards pre-defined by the admins, like for example "Excellent & friendly community member."


  • Knitter

    Knitter - 2013-01-29
    • milestone: Planning --> [1.5] - March of the Bones
  • Knitter

    Knitter - 2013-02-07
    • milestone: [1.5] - March of the Bones --> Planning
  • Knitter

    Knitter - 2013-02-07

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