
open SAND framework generator / News: Recent posts

sandboss_1_6_1 released!

Sandboss 1.6.1 is a conversion release
that incorporates sandev 0.8.0 as its
core. The functionality is equivalent
to 1.6.0 (including working config, ui,
and control tools). With this release
the sandboss project switches to legacy
maintenance. For new development, we
recommend using sandev.

As usual, the online docs are posted at

Posted by Eric Parker 2005-12-03

sandboss 1_6 released!

Sandboss 1_6 is now available. This release adds some modest new features and refinements from several months of use building other projects. The big news is you no longer need a full J2EE container to deploy, standalone Tomcat is sufficient. We hope to do another release soon. Thanks for your interest and support.

Posted by Eric Parker 2005-11-26

sandboss_1_5 released!

Release 1.5 factors the Authorizer
out of TaskHeap and into basics, to
simplify the creation of security
infrastructure in new applications.
This release also adds a SandUI
deployment declarations task, and
a supporting webapp generator.

As usual, the online docs are posted

Posted by Eric Parker 2004-02-25

sandboss_1_4_1 released!

TaskHeapDemo is now in production. In the
process of setting things up, we shook out
several bugs and made some improvements, which
we wanted to pass along in this interim release.
Moving TaskHeap into production also officially
changes sandboss from beta to production mode.

We have at least two more significant releases,
but our schedule is probably going to slow down
a bit as we concentrate on customer application
work. ... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2003-11-18

sandboss_1_4 released!

SandBoss v1.4 provides optional UI storyboard
support, intended for use by projects (like the
TaskHeap demo) which are not using an outside UI
framework directly. See the apps/ui project for

The storyboard support means this is also
release v1.0 for TaskHeapDemo, which
demonstrates features like the AuthFilter, and
cache state maintenance through asynchronous
notifications. We expect to make further
improvements as we start to use TaskHeap for
our own project management.... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2003-10-07

SandBoss_1_3 released!

This release provides massively improved support for metacoding, introducing generator and tag classes to replace what was previously being done through coding conventions. The code for our build has been largely rewritten. The SAND metatags have been prefixed and reorganized for ease of use. The old unprefixed tags were causing unnecessary warnings which are now gone. Refer to BuildProcess.html in the top level docs for additional information, including an overview of the new build process.

Posted by Steve Magoun 2003-07-11

SandBoss_1_2 released

sandboss is a free Structs And Nodes Development environment (sandbox) built on JBoss and other open source tools. The goal is to provide a working project management system as an example distributed enterprise application built using SAND. In addition to assorted bug fixes and minor enhancements, this release greatly extends the SANDForms UI structures and related processing. It is now possible to handle query operations on persistent message information (in addition to the existing add/update/delete processing) within a
single unified form environment. Forms can also be named, to support control of multiple forms in a single display.... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2003-04-04

sandboss_1_1 released!

In addition to assorted bug fixes and minor
enhancements, this release adds more features in
support of application development:

- extended authorization infrastructure:

We've introduced the concept of an AuthFilter, which
describes in a data-declarative way, what a given
AuthUser should be allowed to do, see, or modify. The
FormAdaptor has been extended to allow the UI adaptor,
and Authorizer nodes, to share the same authorization
code. ... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2003-01-26

sandboss_1_0 released!

We've reached our goal! This release adds
persistency, so SandBoss now provides all the
components necessary to reap the benefits of SAND
development (see
for details).

Now that we have our RAD tool, we will be updating
the codebase primarily in response to customer
projects and whatever time we can spend on the demo
TaskHeap application. The TaskHeapDemo currently
starts up and initializes, but over time we hope to
flesh it out and illustrate how more things are
done. ... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2002-11-21

SandBoss 0.8 released

SandBoss is a free Structs And Nodes Development environment (sandbox) built on JBoss and other open source tools. SandBoss 0.8 completely specifies (and implements) the messaging model. This release is a *huge* one for us, since our SAND environment is now complete except for persistency.

Since all of our known customers
and potential customers will be writing their own
Persisters, that doesn't matter much. We're
still going to try get this out soon, but it
might have to wait a bit depending on other
priorities. ... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2002-11-01

sandboss_0_7 released!

This release cleans up the interfaces used for
messaging, logging, and persistency. So if you want
to connect a specific database, or specific
messaging software, or logging software, things
should be pretty clear now.

SandBoss 1.0 will have default implementations
capable of minimally supporting all functions on a
single CPU deployment. In other words it will be
fine for development purposes, but your actual
deployment will probably want some heavier-duty
Messager and Persister implementations.... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2002-10-20

sandboss_0_6 released!

The main feature of this release is the support
for multiple simultaneous control interfaces.
We've also added a generic control panel for
general development use.


Posted by Eric Parker 2002-10-17

sandboss_0_5 released

With this release, we've isolated the core
application structs and nodes that all apps depend
on by making them a subpart of org.sandev instead
of org.sandboss.

One of our major design goals of SAND is to allow
a SAND application to be directly ported to other
SAND environments. The idea is that you can take
any application directory tree, dump it into any
SAND environment, rebuild, and be up and running
immediately. ... read more

Posted by Eric Parker 2002-10-04

sandboss_0_4 released

This latest release reflects our change to LGPL for
future development.

Posted by Eric Parker 2002-09-30

sandboss_0_3 released!

This is predominantly bug fixes and minor improvements discovered while going through the 0.2 release. Better introductory documents.

Posted by Steve Magoun 2002-09-16

sandboss_0_2 released!

With this second release of SandBoss, it is now possible to define an application deployment configuration. Added to the build support provided in the first release, it is now possible to define a complete SAND application in SandBoss!

For more information, download the release and check readme.html in the top level directory.

Posted by Eric Parker 2002-09-05

sandboss_0_1 released!

The first version of sandboss, an open-source implementation of the SAND architecture, has been released! SAND provides provide an approach to enterprise and distributed application development that allows for unparalleled cooperation between domain experts, architects, and technology experts.

Posted by Steve Magoun 2002-03-27