
SAM Jr / News: Recent posts

0.4.0 Released

SAM Jr 0.4.0 has been released. It includes several new features including the ability to send notices to a jabber server and a command line option. See the change log for more details.

Posted by Samuel Freiberg 2005-05-24

SAM Jr tutorial

I have posted a tutorial on configuring SAM Jr on the main SAM Jr site. You can check it out here:

Posted by Samuel Freiberg 2005-05-10

SAM Jr 0.3 is released

SAM Jr 0.3 contains several new features including a real world scripting example that will help get people started writing custom scripts for SAM Jr. Also added the ability to send emails from SAM Jr which should be useful for scripting. See the change log for a complete list of changes.

Posted by Samuel Freiberg 2005-04-18

SAM Jr is scriptable

While the development of SAM Jr is a long way from complete a neat feature has been added that will allow anybody to contribute and customize SAM Jr to their liking. SAM Jr v. 0.2 allows users to create plugins by simply creating text files with a .bsh extension and overriding key methods. An example is included in the scripts folder.

Scripting is a long way from being complete and may cause unforseen problems, but it's inclusion in SAM Jr is a start. I hope this will encourage users to customize SAM Jr in ways that I never envisioned. You can see the start of the scripting documentation at Happy scripting!... read more

Posted by Samuel Freiberg 2005-04-14