Activity for SalonERP

  • Scott A Tovey Scott A Tovey posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Too many bugs. Not worth my time to deal with.

  • Scott A Tovey Scott A Tovey posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This is an incompatibility issue with php 7.3. I edited the continue line to continue 2 and the warnings disappeard, however, it also proke the script as the calendar stopped showing up on the page.

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul created ticket #14

    MySQL ticket

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #6

    Employee addional fields

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thats ok :) On 11 May 2019, at 14:05, Thomas Sparber wrote: Hi Mario, do you still need help with this or can I close the ticket? :-) Best Regards Thomas [tickets:#6] Employee addional fields Status: open Milestone: 1.0 Created: Wed Oct 04, 2017 07:43 PM UTC by Mario Laul Last Updated: Thu Nov 02, 2017 07:31 AM UTC Owner: nobody Hi, I need your help. Employee allowed only name filed, but i need many different field...

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #4

    synchronize with google calendar?

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #5

    Spanish translation

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi Mario, do you still need help with this or can I close the ticket? :-) Best Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #7

    Issue with Scrolling, Calendar and Invoice print

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #8

    Calendar overview issue.

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #11

    Adding Customer Name To invoice

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified ticket #10

    French translation

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #13

    Hi Stanley, at the moment the only possibility to add another user is to add it manually in the database. Unfortunately, assigning permissions is not yet supported, but it is on my TODO list :-) I will let you know when it is implemented Best Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #12

    Hi Stanley, sorry for my late response. Yes you can change the name of "Treatment" to "Service". You just need to change the translation defintion in php/languages/english.php Best Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber committed [ac7edd]

    Extended "additional products" with the possibility to select a different employee than the event's employee

  • sajid sajid posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in C:\xampp\htdocs\salon\vendor\doctrine\orm\lib\Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork.php on line 2636


    Having more then one user account


    Change field name Treatment to Service

  • Thomas Sparber committed [938212]

    BUGFIX: some events could not be created when the duration was not in the select element

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #10

    Hi Jordan, sorry for the late response. Thank you very much for your effort, I really appreciate it!! Your translation is added to the repository. Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber committed [5945b4]

    Added french translation

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #11

    Hi Luis, sorry I was not very precise about it... When you install the new files from the repository, you should have new placeholders for the invoice available. So if you open Settings -> Administration Open -> Invoice Layout -> and try to change a text element you should have three new placeholders available Regards Thomas

  • Luis Morales Luis Morales posted a comment on ticket #11

    HI, link to the master repository was updated I'm still showing same version plus I upldated the whole thing with out db file so i didnt had to start from scratch and still not showing customer on invoice thanks for responding back to me

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #11

    Hi Luis, I am happy to hear that you like SalonERP - thanks! :-) I am also very happy that you showed me something which is missing in SalonERP so I can improve it. Adding the customer name, adress etc. was not possible. I just created a new commit, so if you download the master repository and replace the files in your installation, you should be able to add the customer name, address and phone number. Please let me know if you need any further help. Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber committed [e8ed85]

    Added customer placeholders to invoice texts

  • Luis Morales Luis Morales created ticket #11

    Adding Customer Name To invoice

  • Jordan ERNST Jordan ERNST created ticket #10

    French translation

  • Thomas Sparber committed [53b95c]

    version 3.0.2

  • Thomas Sparber committed [3986d6]

    Fixed black body on mobile deivces

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/salonerp-3.0.2.tar.gz

  • Thomas Sparber committed [48d613]

    Additional products now count to the event's duration

  • Thomas Sparber committed [d4875d]

    Added search function

  • Nghi Phan Nghi Phan posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hiding that employee (marked as inactive) so it doesn't show up in the calendar view would be great.

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi nuphan, unfortunately deleting is a bit a complicated process... It also has legal issues, just think if you have created an invoice for customer X and you delete customer X. What happens with that invoice? It is illegal to delete an invoice. Also what about the invoice number? Should it be decreased again? The same is valid for employees. Employees have appointments and appointments (can) have invoices... you see The only thing I could think of is to hide certain customers or employees but at...

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #8

    Hi nuphan, good to hear that it's working for you now. Unfortunately the size of the calendar is not configurable at the moment... What you can do is to set the number of calendars per line in the settings. The setting is called "Calendars per Row" If you really need to change the size of the calendars you can change the code. you can find it in js/salonerp.js, line 2212. Just change "800px" to a value you need Regards Thomas

  • Nghi Phan Nghi Phan created ticket #9

    Account management

  • Nghi Phan Nghi Phan posted a comment on ticket #8

    Found out that if I set the calendar time other than 0 start and end it fixes the formatting issue. Can you have it autosize for each employee so it doesn't take up so much spaces?

  • Nghi Phan Nghi Phan created ticket #8

    Calendar overview issue.

  • Thomas Sparber committed [6b6b38]

    Added install.php to create release script

  • Thomas Sparber committed [e0a95a]

    Added release script

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/salonerp-3.0.1.tar.gz

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/salonerp-3.0.1.tar.gz

  • Thomas Sparber committed [160a86]

    Fixed bug to save additional products

  • Thomas Sparber committed [5cfc74]

    Added loading indicator

  • Thomas Sparber committed [0586a0]

    Created own function to generate event name. Now additional products are also shown in text.

  • Thomas Sparber committed [26541c]

    Removed unused locals

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi! Yes you are right - that't a bug I wanted to fix some time ago. Thanks for reminding. Its fixed now. You need to update the following files in your local installation: invoice.php js/salonerp.js js/ php/languages/english.php php/languages/german.php php/languages/spanish.php Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber committed [ccfd44]

    Bug fix of opening multiple invoices at the same time

  • Veerendra Veerendra posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hello Sir, It seems some bug in invoice creation. While opening the invoice of more than two or three executed services, very first invoice opens always. Please help !

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #7

    I am glad to hear this. Ok I will have a look why the logo upload doesn't work, in the meantime, you can manually replace the file media/logo.png :-) Viewing all employees within one calendar is unfortunately not possible without a modification. If you have any further problems, just let me know, but I can't guarantee any SLA or such, because this is an open source software. Best Regards Thomas

  • Veerendra Veerendra posted a comment on ticket #7

    Thanks a lot for your quick reply. Your solution worked for me. Great ! I still enclountered a problem : while installing your software, Logo is not getting uploaded. Further, Would it be possible to view all employees in a single calendar (having only one time column at left side). ( I am attaching a image of example ). Sir, I am trying to implement your software in my salons fully. So, I will need your help whenever I face any problem with the software please. Thanks !

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Veerendra, thank you very much for reporting the bug. I am very happy to hear that you like my software! :-) The invoices bug should be fixed now, you just need to download the file customizations/cutomizations.php ( and replace it in your local installation. For the scrolling issues i will need some more time to investigate, but I will let you know once I have found the error. But as far as I know,...

  • Thomas Sparber committed [772f23]

    BUGFIX: Fixed warning messages about undefined variables

  • Veerendra Veerendra created ticket #7

    Issue with Scrolling, Calendar and Invoice print

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/salonerp-3.0.0.tar.gz

  • SalonERP SalonERP released /3.0/

  • Thomas Sparber committed [dbf594]

    Added warning if root folder is not writable

  • Thomas Sparber committed [3e5502]

    Added invoice customizations

  • Thomas Sparber committed [3159fa]

    Added possibility to remove additional products

  • Thomas Sparber committed [8424d0]

    BUGFIX: Changing dates for addionalDPs

  • Thomas Sparber committed [d2be58]

    Added view name function in views to support IE

  • Thomas Sparber committed [adf71f]

    Fixed SalonERP to work with IE

  • Thomas Sparber committed [2c50fb]

    Created admin translations

  • Thomas Sparber committed [f65c49]

    BUGFIX: Fixed calendar issue when only one employee is present

  • Thomas Sparber committed [6be95e]

    Downgraded SalonERP for php 5.3.3

  • Thomas Sparber committed [52252e]

    Added database status in database administration

  • Thomas Sparber committed [4b0fe5]

    Added additionalProducts which makes it possible to add multiple products to one event

  • Thomas Sparber committed [819eec]

    BUGFIX: renamed product table

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    In order to log out you need to unset the php session variable and the cookie "salonerp-id". The currently logged in user is not available at the moment because there exists only one user so retrieving the user name is a bit diffficult right now...

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    Please tell me how can i create logout function and how can i get logged user name?

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thanks for explain :) But how can i create employee shortcut same menu line where customer, products etc. And how can i echo session login user info?

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi Mario, nice that you like it :-) In SalonERP, a product and a treatment/service is the same. If your wife wants to sell shampoo, she can add it as an additional product when creating the invoice, e.g. Service to Customer has finished Customer wants to pay Your wife clicks the event in the calendar and "pay" In that window she can add the additional product "shampoo" Create invoice for the service AND the shampoo together This is the workflow how it is currently done in SalonERP. If your wife is...

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    The biggest concern at the moment is that employees, products, and customers can not be deleted. only edit and add can. Deleted button is very necessary.

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    i found one issue. If i select overview and day, first line employee name not show top of calendar

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thats super :) thank you. Your are very good professional back-end developer :) I have some question more :) If i log in, how can i get session login user data. How to echo out that? Example if i log in, page show me Hi! Mario Laul. My wife has a beauty salon. And them talk me "if i click Pay button and wish selling shampoo, there is no place where I could choose a product instead of services only service" Whether or not it is difficult to add such a product, the menu can add products to customers...

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6 can set it in the settings of course... i forgot to say

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi Mario, it's finished. Now you can download the latest source code and overwrite the files on your server. Then after refreshing the page you can set the amount of calendars per row. You can set it to 2. Please let me know if it works Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber committed [555477]

    Added possibility to choose the amount of calendars in one row

  • Thomas Sparber committed [a27690]

    Added comments to tWindow library

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    yes this is good :) perfect is one line two employee calendars, next line two employee calendars...etc.

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    OK I will have a look... Would it also be ok if you could choose between "horizontal" and "vertical view"? So all calendards side by side or all calendars top of bottom

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    Yes, this is very important for me :) Perfect is two calendars side by side and other calendars top of bottom

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment without a big modification. Is it very important for you? If yes, I can try to implement it.

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    How can i change calendar style? Overview style show calendars left to right and employee names top of calendars, but i need calendars are top to bottom and every calendar top employee name

  • Thomas Sparber committed [6c25ce]

    Improved istall routine

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi Mario, attached is a snapshot which all files you need to run salonerp. At already contains the new fields for the employees. Please note that you need to have the php ans sessions folder to be writable by the web server as it is described in the documentation! If you are using sqlite, you also need to have the root folder writable! Best Regards Thomas

  • Thomas Sparber committed [bd383f]

    Added additional fields address, telephone and email to employee

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    i can't run composer install. Please can i send me required file, if i open index.php white page coming up. If i open install.php page come in and i fill all fileds and click submit button, nothing to do, white page come. please send me all files, what needed. And then if all works later. How can i add fields employee. One problem more :) if i put overview view all calenders and employee names come left to the right. How can i put all calenders under each other with names.

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Perfect, yes correct. Then you need to run "composer install" in the directory where you uploaded the files. That's it, then you just need to open the salonERP page and follow the instructions. If you can't run "composer install" then I can send you the required files also...

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    No problem i can take new install. How to do that. I put all files on my ftp server and what next?

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Upgrading is not easy from 2.1.0 to the new version... I would do a new installation. If this is not possible for you, then you need to change version 2.1.0

  • Thomas Sparber committed [17706f]

    Addet insert methot to twindow text

  • Thomas Sparber committed [a0b671]

    Added invoice layout editor

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    How can i upgrade new version? i download git package in "Code" tab and what next?

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber modified a comment on ticket #6

    Yes I know, but currently I'm working on a new version which can't be found in the downloads, but in the "Code". If you could upgrade to this version, it would be easiest. If not, this is what you need to change: Change the database model to add your fields backend.php:198 + 235 + 305 config/sql.php:382 + 401 + 430 index.php:304 + 365 js/window.js:617 + 618 + 629 + 632 + 635 + 1022 + 1028 I think that's it... But as I said, if you can upgrade to the very newest version it will be much easier, because...

  • Thomas Sparber Thomas Sparber posted a comment on ticket #6

    Yes I know, but currently I'm working on a new version which can't be found in the downloads, but in the "Code". If you could upgrade to this version, it would be easiest. If not, this is what you need to change: Change the database model to add your fields backend.php:198 + 235 + 305 config/sql.php:382 + 401 + 430 index.php:304 + 365 * js/window.js:617 + 618 + 629 + 632 + 635 + 1022 + 1028 I think that's it... But as I said, if you can upgrade to the very newest version it will be much easier, because...

  • Mario Laul Mario Laul posted a comment on ticket #6

    I'm using 2.1.0 version already. If you explain me how can i add more fields in employee. I create that :)

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