
#23 Quick Menu Switcher Thing


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Quick Menu Switcher Thing,

1.  Need to create icons for missing Video Menu items.
2.  How were we going to deal with the items to show there?  Do we need an option menu to hide/show items in the quick menu?  What about addressing the number of items in the quick menu getting too high and taking too long to scroll horizonatally?  Can we make it vertical and horizontal scrolling?  Vertically (Main, TV, Video, Photo, Music, Settings, Online etc...) and then horizontally within each grouping?  Thoughts?
3.  Can we do something with ADM here


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-13

    Originally posted by:

    Quick Menu Switcher Thing.... I want to experiment here before we go too much further with what we have as I agree it could grow large and then is useless.  Perhaps we have a small list of default switcher items for non-ADM users and for ADM users we get fancier with a menu replacement of some sort.... need to think this through.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-26

    Originally posted by:

    Jeremy... can you mock up a horizontal Menu Replacement so I can see what it would take to code this... I would likely call some ADM functions to populate the new menu if ADM was available and if not then we would just have a small internal list... or nothing.... but I need a visual concept to go by ;o)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-26

    Originally posted by:

    Here's an idea, no "switcher icons" on this.  Top and Second level labels show in the area above the horizontal bar as you drill down more and more.  See Attached.  Always horizontally scrolling at the current level in the bar.  Could be fixed focus in the center.  Not sure about the Widgets with this as we would have to work out a "horizontal" look for them see attached, still not sure about it...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-26

    Originally posted by:

    When on the main menu, down arrow or enter would drill down a level into the menu and display the previous selected level in the area above the bar.  Same idea as most horizontal XBMC menu's use.  Up would bring you back up a level until the top level.  If we had live widgets then up from the main menu level would move focus to the live widgets.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-26

    Originally posted by:

    This would require icons for each menu item, not a big deal, I have a template just have to figure out icons to represent the various Sagetv items.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-27

    Originally posted by:

    Here is a mock with the widget in a horizontal orientation, the additional info would have to be on top as there isn't a lot of room in the middle (too skinny).  Anyways another idea ;o)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-27

    Originally posted by:

    Maybe the icons could be optional?  Some may prefer a less busy and slimmer horizontal menu bar without them...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-27

    Originally posted by:

    I agree.  Are you expecting this menu to pop up over the current location (EPG, Flow, etc) or bounce to a replacement of the current Main Menu???

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-27

    Originally posted by:

    Could go either way.  The horizontal bar would work like the current pop up from anywhere and give quick access to any main menu item at any level.  Or we go with a full main menu replacement but definitely more to that as we would have to rejig the widgets etc...  I can't code this stuff so it's up to you on what amount of time you want to spend here.  How about we start with a pop up menu like the current "Switcher" works and then maybe it could be worked into a full main menu replacement later??? 


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