
delete records from point-shape

User Forum
  • Karin

    Karin - 2017-03-16

    I have a batch file with saga commands (saga 2.1.4) to delete records from the shape.
    My first step:
    table_calculus 2 create a new field "G", if my condition is fulfilled then value = 1 otherwize value = 9,. It works.
    now I want delete all records where G=0
    I use "shapes_tools 3 ..." and in the cmd window is shown, that 34 records are selected
    shapes_tools 7 (delete selected records)
    now the message is: no shapes in selection

    is it possible to use these orders in the batch file?

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2017-03-16

    Hi Karin,

    in a normal batch file it is not possible to work on selections - how should it be possible to pass the selection information from one saga_cmd call to the next?

    But for such cases saga_cmd provides the option to use something that is called "saga cmd script file":

    saga_cmd --help
    <SCRIPT>         : saga cmd script file with one or more tool calls

    Such a script file can be passed directly to saga_cmd :

    saga_cmd [-C, --config][=#][-s, --story][=#][-c, --cores][=#][-f, --flags][=#] <SCRIPT>

    You can create an example of such a script (and a batch file calling the script) with

    saga_cmd --create-batch[=file]
       creates a batch script file example.

    Called without "file" argument, this outputs a file called "saga_cmd.bat" which is a batch file as you use it. And a file called "saga_cmd.txt" which is the saga cmd script file. The latter is called from the batch file.

    So all you need to do is to wrap your command sequence in such a saga cmd script file. Please note that I just fixed a small issue regarding the file name of the script file in the example (saga_cmd.bat), see




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