
SAGA V8.5.0 Tool Potential Incoming Solar Radiation from command line

  • calsgeo

    calsgeo - 2023-01-30

    Hi, I’m trying to use the Potential Incoming Solar Radiation tool from the command line but I am facing a problem. I haven’t been able to manage the sentence to run the tool for an specific day. I’m able to run the script but I haven’t find a way to change the date of execution and it always perform the simulation for the day after my current date.

    I have tried with the parameter -DAY as a string (between comment characters “ “) and as a date (yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyy) but none of both work. I am including two examples of the scripts I am executing.

    I have also tested range of days but the results are the same, my script takes the current date as the input day and day_stop parameters.

    My concern is that I need to simulate the 365 days of the year so It is better to improve the way to execute it!

  • Olaf Conrad

    Olaf Conrad - 2023-01-31

    ...i was able to identify the bug ! it is related to the parsing of dates in saga_cmd calls. the bug was introduced with version 8.5 (previous versions should work as expected) and has been fixed with commit [33a791]. the fix will be part of the next bug-fix-release 8.5.1, ...coming soon! ...and iso-date (yyyy-mm-dd) should then work out-of-the-box again! best wishes...



    Commit: [33a791]

    • calsgeo

      calsgeo - 2023-02-06

      Dear Olaf,

      Thank you for your message. As you mentioned I tried my scripts with version 8.4.2 and they work!


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