
Export to dxf-format

  • Clara

    Clara - 2012-09-12


    I´m trying to export a Shapefile into the dxf-format.
    The Description of the "OGR - Export Vector Data"-Module says, that this is possible, but I get the message: Could not create data source. Module execution failed.

    So my Question:

    Is it possible to export an Shape-File to the dxf-format, or not?


  • Graham

    Graham - 2013-09-24

    hi i want to know the answer too ! can someone help!? graham

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2013-09-25

    I just gave it a try and I can not export to dxf. I do not know why this is not working, we will need to have a more detailed look.

  • TBrowne

    TBrowne - 2013-12-24

    Just wondering how this is coming along. Any headway on resolving the issue?

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2013-12-29


    I've committed some changes, now the module library supports some basic DXF import/export functionality, see

    In case you like to get elevation (z) exported besides x/y, the shapefile must be of vertex type XYZ or XYZM (i.e. 3D). The 'Contour Lines from Grid' module now suppports the direct creation of a 3D shapefile, but I've also committed a 'Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D)' module which allows to convert between 2D and 3D (and vice versa, see

    I've also fixed the import of DXF files. Because the OGR DXF driver is unable to determine the geometry type of the dxf file automatically, I've added the possibility to (optionally) set the geometry type by a choices list.

    The changes will be available with the upcoming release of SAGA 2.1.1

  • E S

    E S - 2018-01-30

    DXF Export does not seem to work anymore in Version 4.0.1 64bit. I have created contour lines from a grid (XY), and also transformed into XYZ. When trying the .dxf export using "Export Shapes" of "GDAL/OGR" returns with "data set creation failed". Other formats like .csv or MapInfo don't work either. Only ESRI shape export seems to work fine for both 2D and 3D vertices (i.e., folder is written and shape files included). The gdl-dll is in the correct folder and accessible, so there must be some other issues. I could also use "GDAL-Formats", the .dxf is listed under no. 38 and the ACCESS-attribute is "RW".

    I am not yet at the point to go into source code, can someone reproduce the problem or provide a solution?

    Thanks in advance!

  • E S

    E S - 2018-01-30

    Ah, that works, thanks a lot! Versions are running in SAGA, feels like yesterday when I installed V4... now it's V6...


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