
SAFOX - simple php api for xml handlig / News: Recent posts

SAFOX v.05 released with RSS parsing and generation

The SAFOX API is a collection of light-weight APIs for object-oriented PHP to handle XML files. SAFOX stands for Simple API For XML Handling in PHP. It provides a package of classes that are light-weight, easy, yet powerful tools for php-based XML-generation, reading, modification, and parsing. The lastest version now also supports RSS version 2.0.

As of version 0.5 the SAFOX wrapper is the starting point for all SAFOX operations. It is an extreme light weight class that allows youo to create any of the SAFOX objects (XMLDoc, XMLParser, RSSDoc, RSSParser) without further include or require commands. All necessary libraries of the SAFOX API will be loaded only when/if the file is required, thus making scripts lighter and faster.... read more

Posted by Christian Hansel 2006-02-09

SAFOX 0.42 released

The latest version of SAFOX fixes a bug that occured when parsing comments that contained tags. BUGFIX 20051130-2 solves this problem.

The latest version of SAFOX has been optimised for error reporting E_ALL, that is no errors, warnings, or notices should appear anymore. It has been tested on Linux/Apache and been verified. However, on XAMP running Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) on Windows XP a notice still is being reported for the _get methods (). The notice being Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in C:\Programme\xampp\htdocs\safox\safox_g.cls.php on line 370 So far Ihave been unable to locate the problem, and I believe this rather seems to be a bug in XAMP. This notice wouldn't do any harm I'ld expect, so I suggest to turn error_reporting off in XAMP

Posted by Christian Hansel 2005-12-13

SAFOX 0.41 released CodeCleanUP

Thanks to Cristiano Degiorgis [cri <AT>], who kindly provided a code cleanup version that is now BUGFIX 20051130. No major chances made except the elimination of error warnings and notices. Thanks for that. Keep me posted more bugs are found.

Version 0.41 of SAFOX includes changes

* BUGFIX 20051130 CodeCleanUp
should now run smoothly even with Error_Reporting set to E_ALL

Posted by Christian Hansel 2005-11-30

SAFOX v0.4 released BUGFIX node deletion

With SAFOX 0.4 the deletion of nodes from xml-Documents now has been added. Previously the destroy function did not work properly.

With SAFOX 0.4 it is now possible to parse xml documents and remove nodes (inlcuding childnodes). The new cleanup methods allow to postpone cleanUp operations and the rebuilding of internal data structures so that performance is enhanced

A New and simple Examplescript has been added to show the basic functionality. The complete documentation is part of the full release zip-file

Posted by Christian Hansel 2005-11-28

SAFOX 0.3 released

Version 0.3 of SAFOX (Simple API For XML Handling in OO php ) package has been released today.

This new version includes new methods for the adding of Nodes to specific positions (before/after another node) and minor BUGFIXES.

Posted by Christian Hansel 2005-11-23

SAFOX 0.2 released

Simple API For XML (SAFOX) handling released in version 0.2

As of Nov 21 2005 a new minor relase has been put online. New version 0.2 inludes a new methods and a major bugfix

* getchildNodeByTagName() Method added to XMLDOC
* writeToFile Method added to XMLDOC
* BUGFIX 20051117 in xmlParser - corrects a mishandling of &lt;![CDATA[ .. ]]&gt; enclosed tag content that caused the parser to break when dealing with tags within the CDATA... read more

Posted by Christian Hansel 2005-11-21

SAFOX 0.1 released

The SAFOX package has been releasedas of Nov 11 on SAFOX provides a true OOP approach to XML handling and parsing in php without relying on pre-installed modules or extensions.

The SAFOX classes XMLNode, XMLDoc, XMLParser are very lightweigth and simple, yet powerful and highly customizable. The parsing mechanism allows further customization through EVENT-driven programing.

To learn more see the project home-page at or download the api-documentation in pdf format... read more

Posted by Christian Hansel 2005-11-09