
SafiServer / News: Recent posts

SafiServer 1.3.0 And What We've Been Working


If you noticed that it's been a little quiet on the new Safi releases front, here's why: Over the past few months we've been working on integrating SafiServer with Servicemix, the popular SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) platform by Apache. Our goal is to expose many of the powerful features of ServiceMix to Saflet developers including integrations with SNMP, email, JMS (Java Messaging Service), job scheduling, Web Services, file i/o, HTTP and TCP sockets, and many other technologies. ServiceMix 4 also provides a modular framework (OSGI-based) allowing functionality of SafiServer to be updated or extended on the fly in a more fundamental way than is possible with the current SafiServer update mechanism, all with minimal disruption of service. ServiceMix includes a comprehensive management API that, once integrated, will provide the SafiServer administrator with a detailed view of the system, from the very high level down to individual components. ... read more

Posted by Eric Erickson 2010-02-24

SafiServer/SafiWorkshop Update Available

This update includes all previous updates and includes the following:

1. An improvement to the SafiServer ssh tunneling system for better NAT traversal characteristics. Of course this update won't help you much if you currently can't connect to the SafiServer due to NAT issues since you won't be able to push the files :) For you a new installer is forthcoming.

2. bind.ip property in is no longer used.... read more

Posted by Eric Erickson 2009-11-03

Source Code

We are currently working on a mechanism for pushing code updates from our home source server up to We hope to have this up soon after our next version release. Until then, the code on sourceforge will be lagging behind the "latest/greatest"

Also, we will be combining the SafiCore and SafiServer projects into SafiServer.

Posted by Eric Erickson 2009-09-29