
SADL / News: Recent posts

Introducing SADL 3 Webinar July 18, 3-4 p.m. EDT


(866) 546-4138 PARTICAPANT: 4906027#

Find out what's new and improved in SADL Version 3, including:
• Typed lists and list operations
• Equation definitions
• User-defined datatypes
• Implied properties
• Units on numbers
• Improved bi-directional linking
• Inter-project dependencies

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2016-06-29

Release of SADL-IDE Version 2.2.0 for Eclipse Kepler

Version 2.2.0 of the SADL-IDE for Eclipse Kepler (using Xtext 2.4.3) is now available from (Note that Eclipse Kepler and Java 1.7 are required for this release.)

  • Vocabulary for rules extended to support OWL constructs such as restrictions
  • Added support for qualified cardinality restrictions
    • "... described by property with a single value of type class..." will be translated to an OWL 2 maxQualifiedCardinality restriction on the described class of 1 for property with values of type class
    • "property of class1 has exactly n values of type class2." will be translated to an OWL 2 qualifiedCardinality restriction on class1 of n for property with values of type class2
    • "property of class1 has at least n values of type class2." will be translated to an OWL 2 minQualifiedCardinality restriction on class1 of n for property with values of type class2
    • "property of class1 has at most n values of type class2." will be translated to an OWL 2 maxQualifiedCardinality restriction on class1 of n for property with values of type class2
    • Note that the Jena reasoner does not support qualified cardinality restrictions but one can write validation rules to do so.
  • Built-ins greaterThan, lessThan extended to support strings
  • Running of tests and queries is now a separate "job" so the main (UI) thread is not blocked and so that run-away inferencing processes can be canceled. (Go to the "Progress" view to see background operations, which can be done by clicking on the greenish buttons in the very lower-right hand corner of the Eclipse display. Then click on the red square to the right of the background job to cancel.)
  • Improved process for debugging difficult to understand issues, see below.
  • Test Suite editor
  • Jena TDB repository option added to existing OWL flat file formats for storage format
  • Underlying DSL updated to Xtext 2.4.3
  • Underlying Jena updated to Apache Jena 2.11.0
Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2014-03-05

Sadl 2.1.9 Maintenance Release

Version 2.1.9 (Beta 21) for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) is available for update. It includes the following:
- Xtext-based editor for test suites (.test files) with syntax checking, model name validation, and content-assist (ctrl-space)
- OWL files may be saved in RDF/XML, RDF/XML-ABBREV, N3, or N-Triple format, as specified in preferences.
- Trigonometry built-ins: cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan
- Integrated model indexing and searching with Lucene plus SPARQL
- Variable assignment now supported in rule premises, e.g., "x is 3.19"

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-12-03

SADL 2.1.8 Maintenance Release

Version 2.1.8 (Beta 20) for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) is available for update. It includes the following:
- Fixed errors in translating property ranges to OWL
- Added warning for multiple single-valued "described by" lines for a given class and property (such does NOT create a qualified cardinality restriction, which is only supported in OWL 2)
- Minor bug fixes to rule/query/test translation of junctions
 - Fixed bug in some values from restrictions that caused restrictions in one model on a class in an imported model to generate improper OWL files.

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-07-26

SADL 2.1.6 Maintenance Release

Version 2.1.6 (Beta 18), for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo), is available for update. It includes the following:
- Fixed egregious error that caused edited model to not be updated
- Improved cleanup of closed resources, both models and projects

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-06-27

SADL 2.1.5 (Beta 17) Release

Version 2.1.5 of the SADL-IDE for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) has been released. This version includes the following fixes/enhancements:
- Error translating rule with graph patterns or build-ins as argument of a built-in
- Restrictions in one model upon a class declared in an imported model were not being saved correctly to OWL
- Added check and warning for out-of-date OWL file of a corresponding SADL file
- Hyperlinking of models from Print corrected
- Fixed updating of concepts in an importing model when the imported model changes
- Fixed updating of active configuration for current session when configuration is changed

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-06-21

SADL 2.1.4 Maintenance Release

A maintenance release for SADL Beta 16 is available which resolves several software errors that escaped regression testing. Upgrading is recommended. Fixes include:
- Model names in content assist and quick fixes were missing the leading "http:"
- The default configuration.rdf file placed in new projects was not properly formed. Also default configuration file placed in existing project when missing wasn't being read
- Sometimes discovered built-ins added to the configuration.rdf file were not saved
- Rule file reading modified to not give erroneous error if a non-UTF8 character exists in the rule file

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-06-14

SADL 2.1.3 (Beta 16) Release

Version 2.1.3 of the SADL-IDE for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) has been released. This version includes the following fixes/enhancements:
- Issue with very slow builds and out of memory errors resolved; now builds quickly
- Model validation significantly enhanced; may be disabled on main references page
- Quick fix issues resolved so that adding of missing class and instance declaration now works again (was broken in move to Xtext 2)
- Support added for SPARQL "ask" and "construct" type queries
- Fixed test translation to support all tests in TestSadlIde project, e.g., tests that have "is <=".
- Fixed rule translation problems that resulted in truncated rule in Jena when built-ins were nested inside of other built-ins.
- Import URI of the form "file://somefile.sadl" is deprecated; use SADL file name without prefix or else use model URI (there is a quick fix for this; search for "file://" and use quick fix to update import statement)

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-06-11

SADL 2.1.2 (Beta 15) Release

Version 2.1.2 of the SADL-IDE has been released. This version fixes a number of bugs and makes small improvements.

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-03-21

SADL 2.1.1 (Beta 14) Release

This release requires Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) and uses Xtext 2.1. You should start with a clean install of Eclipse 3.7. (See Download -> Installation Instructions.) The version numbering is changed to reflect that this is SADL 2, second major release version.
Build now manages the dependencies between SADL files to be much more robust in correctly building highly inter-connected sets of models.
Translation of rules, tests, and queries has been re-implemented to use a more robust approach and numerous translation errors have been eliminated.
Formatting of dates, times, and date-time are made much more flexible using POJava DateTime class.

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2012-01-24

SADL 2 Beta 12 release

SADL V2 Beta 12 (1.0.27) is available as an Ecllipse update at This release includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements to semantic checking of rules and statements.

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2011-09-28

SADL 2 Beta 11 release

SADL 2 Beta 11 (1.0.26) is available as a set of Eclipse plug-ins from the Eclipse update site To install please follow the directions at; navigate to Download -> Installation Instructions.

Posted by Andrew W Crapo 2011-09-06