
SACIC / News: Recent posts


SACIC has reached alpha status with the new realease, which features bugfixes, cosmetic changes and some other improvements.

Posted by Hannes 2005-07-31

SACIC 0.2.1

A really nasty bug had snuck in version 0.2 causing exceptions to be thrown when evaluating certain expressions. It should be fixed now hopefully. Do NOT use version 0.2.

Posted by Hannes 2005-07-26


A new version of SACIC (Semi-Advanced Command Interpreting Calculator) is realeased. Improvements include better management of user settings (these settings are now also saved).

When it comes to the mathematical part, the application now handles expression evaluation and differentiation in a better way. There is also a new command for equation solving using Newton-Raphson's method.

Posted by Hannes 2005-07-25