
Generate DoP file

  • Defunct One

    Defunct One - 2022-09-25

    A noob question here. How can I go about creating DoP files from existing DSD iso / DSF files?
    Is this via the build-in Convert function with DSD set as Output Type + DoP for Converter checked?

  • Maxim V.Anisiutkin

    Check "DoP for Converter" in SACD Preferences panel and use build-in foobar Convert function.

  • Defunct One

    Defunct One - 2022-09-26

    Converted files have the same size with or without "DoP for Converter" being checked. Is this correct?
    My AVR can only play files converted WITHOUT "DoP for Converter" as PCM. I guess it doesn't support DoP in the first place. Unless I didn't generated the file correctly. It plays DSF fine though.


    Last edit: Defunct One 2022-09-26

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