
SAAFE / News: Recent posts

Milestone 2 reached

We have now reached the second major milestone in development. The back-end support systems are now fully operational, it supports XML file input and output (complete with XLinking) and components now communicate via the JavaSpace framework.

Services can now be added to the system simply by pointing them at the necessary javaspace environment. For example, the integration of a document indexing and search engine simply requires the writing of a wrapper for any existing (or custom built) indexing and search facility. This wrapper communicates with the SAAfE system via a JavaSpace and with the required service via the exposed API of that software.

Posted by Ross Gardler 2001-03-21

Project Launched

The SAAfE development project was launched. This project will develop software based on the research of Ross Gardler at UMIST, UK. See for details.

Posted by Ross Gardler 2000-10-12