
Config tests access OK, but access denied on normal actions?

  • SimonHGR

    SimonHGR - 2020-10-30

    Hi all, I've been using "duck" in the command line version to communicate with AWS S3, so I know my access and secret keys are good, plus when I ran through "s3cmd --configure" it tested my keys and reported "Success. Your access key and secret key worked fine :-)"

    However, when I try to do anything myself, it fails, claiming access denied. I'm wondering if there's something I don't understand about s3 that duck was hiding, or perhaps I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how s3cmd command lines should be formed.

    If I try this:
    $ s3cmd ls 's3:// Name/MyDirectory/'
    I get the report:

    ERROR: Access to bucket '' was denied
    ERROR: S3 error: 403 (AccessDenied): Access Denied

    Notice that a) yes, I changed the group-bucket name, but it's formed with lowercase only and one hyphen. b) there is a space in 'My Name' (this worked fine with duck-cli, but clearly something is different. c) MyDirectory exists and is formed as indicated (upper/lower case, no spaces).

    I have tried replacing the single quotes with double, or without them entirely (pretty hopeless, presumably!) and also replacing the space with both a + sign and %20. I couldn't think of anything else to try, however.

    by contrast, this duck command (similarly edited to the above :) works fine

    duck -u <access_key> -p <secret_key> --list "s3:// Name/"</secret_key></access_key>

    What might be wrong?

    • Florent Viard

      Florent Viard - 2020-11-01


      Your issue is that you are not supposed to put the "domain name" in your
      "s3:// " element but directly the s3 bucket name.
      So, for example, in your case, you have to use directly 's3://
      group-bucket/My Name/MyDirectory/'
      instead of 's3:// Name/MyDirectory/'.


      On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 10:43 PM SimonHGR

      Hi all, I've been using "duck" in the command line version to communicate
      with AWS S3, so I know my access and secret keys are good, plus when I ran
      through "s3cmd --configure" it tested my keys and reported "Success. Your
      access key and secret key worked fine :-)"

      However, when I try to do anything myself, it fails, claiming access
      denied. I'm wondering if there's something I don't understand about s3 that
      duck was hiding, or perhaps I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how s3cmd
      command lines should be formed.

      If I try this:
      $ s3cmd ls 's3:// Name/MyDirectory/'
      I get the report:

      ERROR: Access to bucket '' was denied
      ERROR: S3 error: 403 (AccessDenied): Access Denied

      Notice that a) yes, I changed the group-bucket name, but it's formed with
      lowercase only and one hyphen. b) there is a space in 'My Name' (this
      worked fine with duck-cli, but clearly something is different. c)
      MyDirectory exists and is formed as indicated (upper/lower case, no spaces).

      I have tried replacing the single quotes with double, or without them
      entirely (pretty hopeless, presumably!) and also replacing the space with
      both a + sign and %20. I couldn't think of anything else to try, however.

      by contrast, this duck command (similarly edited to the above :) works fine

      duck -u <access_key> -p <secret_key> --list "s3:// Name/"</secret_key></access_key>

      What might be wrong?

      Config tests access OK, but access denied on normal actions?

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