
Create multiple cloudfront distributions

  • seren thompson

    seren thompson - 2010-04-02

    Hi, Cloudfront allows 10 CNAMES per distribution, and 100 distributions per account, but I haven't found a way to create multiple distributions from the same S3 bucket with s3cmd. Is this possible in general and, if so, is it possible with s3cmd? Thanks a lot.


  • Michal Ludvig

    Michal Ludvig - 2010-04-02


    use -cf-add-cname=… with "s3cmd cfcreate" or "s3cmd cfmodify" commands. That way you can add cnames to existing distributions.


  • seren thompson

    seren thompson - 2010-04-02

    Thanks, but I'm asking about adding a second distribution to an S3 bucket. Adding CNAMES works fine, but trying to add another distribution off the same bucket give this error:

    ./s3cmd cfcreate s3://my-bucket
    ERROR: S3 error: 409 (DistributionAlreadyExists): The caller reference you are attempting to create the distribution with is associated with another distribution.

  • Michal Ludvig

    Michal Ludvig - 2010-04-03

    Hi, I don't think it's possible at all. The DistributionAlreadyExists error is returned from Amazon, not made up by s3cmd.

    Why would you like to have two distributions for a single bucket? What would be the advantages against having multiple cnames for a single distro?

  • seren thompson

    seren thompson - 2010-04-04

    I think it's possible because I just spoke with Amazon support and they said it was. It's also possible to do it through the AWS Console web interface.

    The reason for multiple distributions is a work-around for CF's slow cache refresh. Occasionally we need to push out a change and have it happen fairly quickly. To do this, we'll lower the DNS TTL on the CNAME, then point the CNAME at a new distribution, and voila, no stale cache (at least on the CF side). Having these distributions come from the same bucket would make things much simpler.

  • Michal Ludvig

    Michal Ludvig - 2010-04-04

    Did they give you any specific instructions on how to do that? Clearly the "standard" way leads to the DistributionAlreadyExists error.

  • seren thompson

    seren thompson - 2010-04-04

    Nope, other than using the web console. Maybe it's one of those things that only works REST or SOAP but not the other API.


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