
#135 CSS files are uploaded with MIME type text/plain


When using s3cmd sync, and I'm syncing .css files, they are getting created with content-type of "text/plain" instead of "text/css".

This may be the case because the CSS files contain long lines, but I'm not sure.


  • Michal Ludvig

    Michal Ludvig - 2013-03-19

    That's because your system mime config doesn't know about css files. S3cmd relies on that to identify the mime type, by itself it doesn't make any decisions about file types.

  • Colin Viebrock

    Colin Viebrock - 2013-03-19

    You're right: if I do file -i style.css, I get back text/plain; charset=us-ascii. Ditto for javascript files. This is despite having entries in /etc/mime.types for .css and .js files.

    I know I can override the mime-type for individual files with the --mime-type=MIME/TYPE option, but I am currently doing a sync that could include many files (some CSS, some JS, some images, etc.).

    So, is there a way for s3cmd to use the file extension to determine the mime-type, instead of the magic method?

  • radomir

    radomir - 2013-07-17

    I have the same issue and it's a real pain. It makes sync unusable for updating web sites, at least on Linux.

    Traditionally file name suffixes are ignored on Unix systems (by so just relying on magic numbers mechanism gives inconsistent results for text-based file types.

    I really hope there's a way to make this work in s3cmd.

  • radomir

    radomir - 2013-09-02

    This issue is also tracked at
    I created a patch and pull request.


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