
Ryth(M)aid + GUI / News: Recent posts

v0.0.2 out

hi, i fixed a bug in the "load song" routine.. it sometimes loaded only half the song....

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2003-03-08

help wanted!

hi, i learned quite a bit over the last year about how to design an app and stuff. i will start on another rewrite of this program with a cleaner design... if you want to get involved. please don't hesitate to contact me..

Florian Schmidt

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2003-03-07

new version of tse3 out!

this new version (0.2.7) fixes the bug which kept my app from compiling with gcc >= 3.0

(the unresolved symbol TSE3::Clock::PPQN bug)

Happy jamming.

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2003-03-07

Found the unresolved symbol: TSE3::Clock::PPQN bug

it is a bug in the tse3 lib, i think. i contacted the author about it.

in the meantime, insert this line:

const int TSE3::Clock::PPQN;

into the file:


right after the

#include "tse3/Midi.h"


then rebuild the tse3-lib,

make clean; make; su -c "make install"

and my rythmaidgui should link..

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2003-03-05

ooops packages kinda broken

you need to rerun ./ i suppose.. got a bug report about it.. if it doesn't work write me. working on a new release right now..

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2002-06-22

please give feedback....

this gui version wouldn't have come into its (err.. miserable) existance if i had not gotten some feedback from someone who tried the old nongui version and found out it sucked ****.. Thanks Matthieu!! So, if you folks want this project to continue, you will just have to try it out. open your email program and drop me a line aout what you think.. what needs improvement a.s.f...

Open source doesn't work without feedback :) so please be welcome to clutter my mailbox at read more

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2002-06-19

Export to midi file works now

s. Subject.. Piano is still missing.. Will take some time.. still

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2002-06-14

Source available, but caution!

Source of first alpha release available.. Features missing. Not installable. Need to run from build dir (src/rythmgui). plays drums and bass. No piano yet.. Feedback appreciated..

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2002-06-12

Source will be available in 2 weeks

Drums and Bass is working right now. Little Bug in Bass generation code (plays an eb in fMajor7.. grks).. Need to make Piano generator..

Drop me a message in the forum or by email, if you're interestesd in this program..

Posted by Florian Schmidt 2002-06-10