
XSM Site Manager / News: Recent posts

Using HeadsUp Agile and GitHub

Hi guys, so the trac hosting that we were using did not scale up to the new projects we added, so things have moved again. XSM is now hosted on github for source control which is great - git is working really well. For project hosting and build management we are now using the very great HeadsUp Agile ( It is a sweet new open source software project management solution - check it out for yourselves, it is picking up well where trying to scale trac dropped off.... read more

Posted by Andrew Williams 2013-04-16

XSM development moved to

Recent continued outages in sourceforge have pushed the hand of the rxsm project as many others to find other hosting.

XSM has chosen the new open source hosting system on The new system is using subversion for version control and Trac for project management. This gives a much better user experience with far higher availability

Please visit our new site and leave any comments for us on the issue tracker.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-14

1.0 finally

OK, released the 0.1 codebase (last release was rc1) as 1.0

This better represents the solid nature of this stage in XSM's life - we hope you agree :)

Please go play, report any bugs you find and submit suggestions for our next release

Posted by Anonymous 2005-10-03


OK, so the second pre-release of XSM 0.1. This contains many bug fixes from 0.1 that was our first ever release, so please grab beta2 and try it on your site. All you need to do is place the new xsm.war file into your servlet container and restart it - no more configuration is neccesary!

Feedback as always please :)

Posted by Anonymous 2005-09-07

XSM goes UTF-8

XSM and its generated sites now use the utf-8 character set by default.
This means that non-ascii characters can now be entered happily to any forms in the system.

Clearly you will need a UTF-8 enabled system for this to work...

Posted by Anonymous 2005-08-10 XSM added to sourceforge

OK, so the codebase as it stands has been ported to sourceforge and development will continue in this new location.

Please feel free to try things out, and give feed back as to issues you find etc...

Posted by Anonymous 2005-05-26