
Scripting panel


Explanation of the Session/Scripting panel

Script filename
Off | Replay | Record

Enter a filename and select the action what to do when starting this session
Replay: the file must exist
Record: the file must not exist
In case of an error, the error message is written in the Event Log
Note: 'Record' mode is not saved. It's once, this session only.
'Replay' mode is stored with saved session, so it can be used for automated to login

line delay (ms)
delay before sending a command line to the host
there is a mimimun delay of 5 ms

character delay (ms)
delay before sending each character of the command line in milliseconds
special cases:
0 = Off, send the line as one message
1 = send each character as a single message

start of condition/comment line
a single character witch is used to mark the start of a condition/comment line
if it's for example ':', then the lines in the file can be:
::comment line
:condition, if enabled, this line must match before the command line is send
command line, this line will be send to the host
see 'use conditions from file' below

LF translation
Off | no LF | CR | LF | CRLF
Lines in a file are seperated with LF, or even CR/ LF in windows
In a terminal session if you press 'Enter' a CR is recorded, however in most cases CR/LF is send to the host.
no LF
remove the LF from the command line to send
wile recording a LF was added to seperate the lines in the file
note: all LF's are removed !
replace CR/LF with CR
if you created a script file with a linux style of editor, there is only a LF at line end
to send the line to the host normaly a CR is needed
recorded script file. a LF is recorded as LFLF, CR as CRLF, CRLF as CRLFLFLF
also CRLFLF is translated to CRLF
lines in the script file are send including the terminating LF

halt on
Script replay is stopped if this line or one of the qouted words is found in the host response
for example:
system has failed - if this hole line matches a host response the script is halted
"error" "ERROR" - if one of these words matches script is halted
Note: only if the first character is " qouted words are compared instead of the complete line

wait for response from host
e.g. wait for a prompt

except for first line
on some systems you must send first a few CR's before a prompt is given

timeout (s)
time to wait for a response from the host in seconds

wait for
The response from host to wait for, e.g. a prompt
'OK' for example when using a modem, or 'C:>' in DOS
If left empty, any host resonse will do
When the line starts with ", the qouted words are compared instead of the complete line
e.g. "C:>" "C:\myfolder>"

use conditions from file
If the 'start of condition/comment line' character would be ':'
then when recording the response from host is marked with a ':' at line start
At replay RuTTY will wait for the same response before sending the next command line
an example:
cd \myfolder
del *.obj
RuTTY will stop the script if the host response after 'cd \myfolder' is not 'c:\myfolder>'
p.a. if the response would be 'C:\MyFolder>' the script will be halted.
Conditions can also be qouted words or part of a line, e.g. :"c:\myfolder>" "C:\MyFolder>"
If there are no conditions in the script between command lines, then default 'wait for' will be used

  • 'halt on' and 'wait for' are limited in size, max 256 characters
  • replay, using host response as a condition, only the last 256 characters are used,
    except if the expected host response is qouted, then the fist 256 characters are used.
  • when closing a session before pressing enter, the last line is not recorded (in most cases not send to the host either)
  • keyboard is not locked during replay, especialy paste (done with the right mouse button) is 'dangerous'.


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