



RuTTY - a modified version of PuTTY
RuTTY adds scripting to PuTTY, scripting the easy way, Record and Replay.

Here you can only find information on the scripting part of RuTTY.
For the rest is just PuTTY, see:

example 1
Setup the connection as usual, in the scripting panel enter a new filename and select 'record', start the session.
Type all the commands you want to record, then close RuTTY.
Setup the connection again, enter the filename in the scripting panel, but now select 'replay'. Also enable 'wait for..'' and 'use conditions...'. Start the session.
RuTTY will resend all your commands, waiting for exactly the same response as recorded before.

example 2
many command lines, fastest command needs 10ms to execute, the slowest 2 seconds. prompt is "m2@m $"
- set line delay to 2000ms
- or enable 'wait for host response', enter the prompt as 'wait for' condition
- if one of the commands would change the prompt you could leave 'wait for' empty and set a small line delay like 10ms
- or you can enter both prompts as a 'wait for' condition, using qouted words: "m2@m$" "m2@m /home $"
- or, to make sure cd /home was successfull, enter it as a condition in your script file: * cd /home
::this is a comment line, the condition below makes the script wait for the changed prompt
:m2@m /home $ *

Read more: [RuTTY] [Scripting panel] or download RuTTY.rtf


RuTTY, record and replay PuTTY. Sometimes thats not enough, you need more scripting possibilities.

RuTTY is created to configure computer devices, record once, replay many times.
However, many suppliers have there own tools, or the device has a configuration website build in.
To automate that there is a nice script language: AutoHotkey.
AHK can send keystrokes and mouse clicks to a windows program.

To automate/script RuTTY, RuTTY needs to send lines it receives to AHK, and accept commands/lines from AHK.
Within windows there is the WM_COPYDATA message to send data between programs.
RuTTY 0.15 has the capability to send and receive WM_COPYDATA messages.
I prever to use AHK, but you can use any language that can send and receive windows messages.

Read more: [RuTTY AHK] or download RuttyAHK.rtf


Wiki: RuTTY
Wiki: Scripting panel