
Tree [af1843] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .externalToolBuilders 2021-01-25 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [75b228] Tried to fix some silly things on Macs
 .github 2022-04-10 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [b7214a] Added funding link
 .idea 2022-10-23 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [ff26d1] Fix windows install
 .mvn 2022-01-12 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [34cb45] Added rt.jar for Java 1.4
 .settings 2022-02-15 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [2967f7] Start install script
 lib 2022-08-03 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [ccd360] Change default install directory on UNIX
 src 2022-10-26 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [af1843] Fix empty window on Windows
 .classpath 2022-04-28 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [c73aa7] Made Mac app functional
 .gitignore 2022-09-15 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [b67f80] Make it compile
 .nbattrs 2022-02-01 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [d0aa16] Test on OS/2
 .project 2021-01-25 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [75b228] Tried to fix some silly things on Macs
 LICENSE 2018-07-09 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [fb2e61] Initial commit 2022-10-20 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [a04471] Got past Windows shortcut failure because of XM...
 build.xml 2022-10-12 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [a40647] Added comments to explain how to get around stu...
 rune.iml 2022-10-23 Bill Chatfield Bill Chatfield [ff26d1] Fix windows install

Read Me



  • Any OS supporting Java 5 or newer can run it:
    • Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 (x86 32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows 10 AArm64 with Microsoft's OpenJDK build
    • Mac OS 10.4 and newer
    • Linux
    • NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD
    • Solaris 8 and newer
    • OpenIndiana (Illumos)
    • OS/2 Warp 4 with OpenJDK 6 from
  • Tested on:
    • Windows 10
    • Mac OS 10.4
    • Fedora Linux 34, 35
    • Ubuntu Linux
    • OpenBSD, NetBSD
    • Solaris 8 UltraSparc 64-bit
    • OpenIndiana 2021.10
    • OS/2 Warp 4
  • Theme-able, but the default theme is consistent with your operating system
  • Multiple files can be open at the same time in different tabs
  • Start-up time is reasonably fast: about 3 seconds on a modern machine
  • Anti-aliased (smooth) text
  • Nice bundled free fonts for programming
  • Zoom with Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down

Planned Features

  • Search
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Ability to save state across process restarts
  • Project files
  • Vim emulation
  • New platforms
  • Haiku
  • Raspberry Pi
  • RiscOS? I don't think it supports Java but not sure.
  • Amiga with JAmiga
  • Atari
  • ReactOS
  • MorphOS (Amiga)
