
Acrive Directory, Alerts, Portuguese

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm posting this to the forum so others can search. I didn't do it originally because my first post to the forum disappeared so I lost confidence in it. If fact now I post anonymously becuase the login does not seem to "stick".

    >> 1) The company has a central Active Directory which they
    >> would like to maintain. The
    >> ideal situation would be to get the user list from there but
    >> if not practical, at
    >> least to validate the login against this AD. I understand
    >> that an ldap client should
    >> be able to validate against AD but have never tried. Would
    >> you say it's a difficult
    >> project to attempt to pull in the executors from AD? Any
    >> experiences with validating
    >> against AD?

    The AD/LDAP support is already implemented in Runa WFE. (In
    Runa WFE forum we can give detail explanation of how to
    configure it )

    >> 2) we need to translated WFE and GPD into Portuguese and
    >> would put this back into your
    >> project. It seems to me this not a complex undertaking but
    >> want your opinion anyway.

    The localization bundle is attached to this letter. Please, translate
    it and send me back in UTF-8, we will include it in next RUNA WFE RC.
    If you like to maintain this translation further, we can include you
    as a member in Runa WFE project.

    >> 3) We need to store the process instances in Sql Server. I
    >> saw some threads about this
    >> in the forum and it seems to be easy to do. Can you comment?

    In Runa WFE forum we can give you detail instructions

    >> 4) Is it possible to email notifications in additon to just
    >> putting the state in the
    >> user's task list? I believe some additional class would be
    >> needed as well as a place
    >> to store the email address (maybe we could get it from AD).
    >> Is this complicated to
    >> implement in WFE?

    Yes. It is possible. There are various ways, for example:

    1. ActionHandlers using
    2. Bots using

    Also, now we are developing notification client for Runa WFE.

    >> 5) Any plans of having GPD as an applet in the future? They
    >> would really like a 100%
    >> web solution but the way it is today is workable.

    Runa GPD is based on Eclipse platform, so it is not possible to
    use it as applet, but it is possible to use it via Java Web Start

    • Andrei Mikheev

      Andrei Mikheev - 2006-01-20


      Re: my first post to the forum disappeared so I lost confidence in it.

      The post doesn't disappear:

      Your post contains several quite different topics. I suggest discussing in this thread only first topic: AD/LDAP support. For each other topic please start new thread in forum

      Re: validate the login against this AD

      To enable AD authentication configure:

      Do the following:

      1.    Uncomment the row in file.
      2.    Enter your AD/LDAP  server name and domain into and properties in the file
      3.    Restart jBoss server

      Add AD users in Runa WFE manually and grant them login permission.

      Re: pull in the executors from AD

      Current version runawfe-2.0RC3 doesn’t provide any tool for this, but we have experience of doing this operation. If this is important, we could add import tool to future releases.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      For my use it's ok to leave the AD user issue the way it is because I'm (hopefully) close to deployment. I think that it would be an inprovement for future versions of RunaWFE if there were a tool to import users from different sources.


    • Vitaliy Semochkin

      Hi, Miguel

      re: I think that it would be an inprovement for future versions of RunaWFE if there were a tool to import users from different sources.

      Actually we have MS AD users importing "tool" but its not a part of RUNA WFE project.
      In fact its not a tool but  java class that imports users from MS AD.
      The problem appears when you need not to import but  synchronize  users.
      Our "tool" can do import.

      If it would be helpful we can provide it to you.
      Maybe we will add it to  adminkit (a set of administration tools for runa wfe).


      • minmin

        minmin - 2006-03-13

        can I have the tool to import users and groups from AD?
        is there a way to tell imported Executors from manaully created ones?

    • Vitaliy Semochkin


      re:Can I have the tool to import users and groups from AD?

      We didn't include this tool into AdminKit yet
      (this would be done in future releas).
      If you'd like we could  provide a Class that done this by forum (it would be great if someone write an UI for it, because we have no time for this right now).

      is there a way to tell imported Executors from manually created ones?

      You can't distinct imported actors from manually created (the import is done via same API they are created).



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