
Attachments on variables

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I need to design a process where an engineer is requested to inspect a construction site. If there are deficiencies, he is supposed to attach a report and an image describing the reason for rejecting acceptance. I would define a variable with a name like "evaluation" but I need to have a way to upload (attach)  a file or more than a file to it. Of course, The report could be writen directly in the variable but in many situations uploading a file would be better. the application must also have a way of rendering this file (i.e. if it's an Open Office document it has to launch Open Office or whatever mime type is aasociated, etc.). Ideally, these attachments would be stored in the database and not in the file system. I assume that this is not possible at the moment. What would be a not so easy solution to this problem?

    • Andrei Mikheev

      Andrei Mikheev - 2006-02-08

      It is possible.
      Use input tag with file type for file uploading. Use customtag with delegation for file rendering.


    • Vitaliy Semochkin


      re: Open Office or whatever mime type is aasociated

      We consider  adding vartag that allows to specify mime type.

      re:Ideally, these attachments would be stored in the database and not in the file system.I assume that this is not possible at the moment.

      All attachments are process instance variables. All variables are stored in database(and only in database).

      re:What would be a not so easy solution to this problem?

      if you have only one mime type, simply associate it with given file (it works for me in firefox).

      if you want to have different mime types for your processes - create your own vartag(it's easy) or wait till we add mime type support for downloaded files.

      Regards, Vitaliy


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