
organizationfunction error

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi people,

    I want to know if you can analyze these situations that started recently.

    First at all, I'm getting the following log when I just start the server and login:

    2006-03-21 07:39:42,099 DEBUG [] User Administrator succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:39:44,058 ERROR [] Illegal configuration string

    Well, after that I started a process where an executor has to fill a "number" in a form. This generates a task for another executor that is handle by bot service. (si, I started the bot service). This bot reads the "number" variable and pass it as parameter for a sql query. The query returns a string value that is passed to another variable in the process and generates (it should) a task for another executor. (There is a decision state that control tha value of the second variable)
    I don't know if the following is related to the previous error, but I'm getting this:

    2006-03-21 07:43:06,818 INFO  [] Bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    successfully loged in as bot
    2006-03-21 07:43:06,881 DEBUG [] Added handler to task store data to bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:06,881 INFO  [] Added bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    with 1 tasks
    2006-03-21 07:43:06,896 DEBUG [] User bot succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:06,896 INFO  [] Bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    successfully loged in as bot
    2006-03-21 07:43:06,912 DEBUG [] Added handler to task Consultar Ramo del Siniestro to bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:06,912 INFO  [] Added bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    with 1 tasks
    2006-03-21 07:43:06,975 DEBUG [] User ogr succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:07,194 DEBUG [] User ogr succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:07,257 DEBUG [] User ogr succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:07,476 DEBUG [] User ogr succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:07,507 WARN  [] No handler for task Task Name: Consultar Ramo del Siniestro, Instance Id: 52428801, Definition Name: DecisionDemo, Definition Version: 1, bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:07,507 DEBUG [] Executed bot:class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:07,758 INFO  [] DatabaseTask started, task Task Name: Consultar Ramo del Siniestro, Instance Id: 52428801, Definition Name: DecisionDemo, Definition Version: 1
    2006-03-21 07:43:07,852 DEBUG [] User ogr succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:08,760 INFO  [] DatabaseTask in progress, task Task Name: Consultar Ramo del Siniestro, Instance Id: 52428801, Definition Name: DecisionDemo, Definition Version: 1
    2006-03-21 07:43:08,823 DEBUG [] User ogr succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:09,450 DEBUG [] Task with id 52428802 was succesfully completed
    2006-03-21 07:43:09,512 INFO  [] DatabaseTask finished, task Task Name: Consultar Ramo del Siniestro, Instance Id: 52428801, Definition Name: DecisionDemo, Definition Version: 1
    2006-03-21 07:43:09,512 DEBUG [] Handled task Task Name: Consultar Ramo del Siniestro, Instance Id: 52428801, Definition Name: DecisionDemo, Definition Version: 1, bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:09,512 DEBUG [] Executed bot:class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:19,288 ERROR [] Illegal configuration string
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,818 DEBUG [] Invoking bots...
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,833 DEBUG [] User bot succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,833 INFO  [] Bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    successfully loged in as bot
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,849 DEBUG [] Added handler to task store data to bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:36,849 INFO  [] Added bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    with 1 tasks
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,849 DEBUG [] User bot succesfully authenticated
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,849 INFO  [] Bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    successfully loged in as bot
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,865 DEBUG [] Added handler to task Consultar Ramo del Siniestro to bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:36,865 INFO  [] Added bot class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:
    with 1 tasks
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,865 ERROR [] Illegal configuration string
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,880 ERROR [] Illegal configuration string
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,896 ERROR [] Illegal configuration string
    2006-03-21 07:43:36,896 DEBUG [] Executed bot:class:, subject: Asunto:
        Principal: ActorPrincipal:

    2006-03-21 07:43:36,896 ERROR []

    It happens a few things.

    1 - The task seems to be finished (is not longer in the task list of bot executor), but it hasn't generated the next task.

    2 - Even though the bot task seems to be finished, the bot service logs each 30 seconds that errors.

    3 - Well, I have to mention that after bot task there is a decision node where I'm using BSFDecisionHandler with this configuration:
    if(lossBranchNumber.equals("Automotores")) return "Automotor"; else return "Persona". I see the bot fills ok the variable "lossBranchNumber" with "Automotores" value but it doesn't go for any transition. I repeat that there aren't any pending task generated. It seems something is going wrong with bot (due to the organizationFunction error????) and the process doesn't go on with the following task.

    Please, tell me if you need any extra data. But have in mind the error that raises after starting the server.

    Thanks a lot in advanced.


    • Vitaliy Semochkin

      Hello, Martin Illegal configuration string

      This message appears after you log in because runa wfe checks for your tasks using org functions specified in swimlane initializers. At least one of your swimlane initializes contains error.

      The swimlane initializer contains errors
      can I see it?

      re:No handler for task Task Name: Consultar Ramo del Siniestro, Instance Id: 52428801

      Bot receives Task with name "Consultar Ramo del Siniestro"(are you from Spain? ;-) )
      but bot doesn't have appropriate handler for this task.

      Vitaliy S

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Vitaliy,

      I'm a bit more far away (Argentina... and our government decided to suspend meat exportation for 6 months due to inflational issues we are dealing with right here....... being Russia our main buyer... I hope this didn't affect our tech relationship... if you liked the meat :-) :-))

      Look, I've just solved the orgFunction problem. The initializer for a executor (a group one) was missing. Now, I added the following: and all goes ok.

      I don't understand why the task for bot needs a specific handler. Please, tell me how and where I should define it. (even though, now, the task ends ok and the process goes on with the correction before)



      • Vitaliy Semochkin


        re:I'm a bit more far away (Argentina... and our government decided to suspend meat exportation for 6 months due to inflational issues we are dealing with right here....... being Russia our main buyer...

        I didn't know that Russia buys meat that far ;-)

        re:I hope this didn't affect our tech relationship... if you liked the meat

        I hope nothing (at least political issues) will affect it.

        re:I don't understand why the task for bot needs a specific handler.

        in bots.xml each task has a name.
        if your bot receives a task with name it doesn't know it writes WARN message to log.

        re:Please, tell me how and where I should define it.

        Each bot in bots.xml should have
        task  tag with name attribute
        e.g. <task name = "insert over time data " handler="" configuration="/bot/handler/overtime_insert.xml" />

        re:(even though, now, the task ends ok and the process goes on with the correction before)

        Probably the other bot or human does this task.
        Can I see you bots.xml?


    • Vitaliy Semochkin


      You defined two bots with same name "bot"

      one does only "store data" task
      the other
      Consultar Ramo del Siniestro

      Replace your bots.xml with following file:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <bots xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" bots.xsd">

      <bot login="bot" password="123" >
      <task name = "store data" handler="" configuration="/bot/handler/sqltask.xml" /> 
      <task name = "Consultar Ramo del Siniestro" handler="" configuration="/bot/handler/sqltask2.xml" /> 



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ok, It's perfect now.
      I'll have it in mind next time.



      PS: A detail....for first variable (passed as parameter in sql query) I had tu use DoubleFormat type, because NumberFormat raised an "Format error" when I tried to submit the html form. Any comments?

    • Vitaliy Semochkin


      re:NumberFormat raised an "Format error" when I tried to submit the html form

      NumberFormat is an abstact class and can not be used as formater.
      Future releases of GPD won't allow to select abstract classes.

      Vitaliy S


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