
Complex Event Pattern Detector. / News: Recent posts

Version 2.0 under development.

We are currently designing and coding version 2.0 of ruleCore. The plans for 2.0 is more or less fixed but might be changed slightly. Here is a brief list of what to expect:

Persistent storage of engine state in a mysql database. The state of the engine will be persistent and will survive crashes and normal shutdowns. The engine state is automatically managed and the user will not need to do anything to enable it expect configuring a mysql database.... read more

Posted by Marco Seiriö 2004-08-23

ruleCore 1.1beta3 released.

This is a bugfix release and documentation update.

Posted by Marco Seiriö 2004-06-03

Translators: Manual as OpenOffice doc

Now it is possible to download the ruleCore Users Guide in OpenOffice format. This is intended for those who would like to work on a translation of the manual.

Others may continue to use the pdf users guide.

The guide can be downloaded here:

Posted by Marco Seiriö 2004-05-28

ruleCore 1.1beta2 released

1.1beta2 is now released. It contains a couple of small fixes. You should use 1.1beta2 instead of 1.0 as it fixes a number of problems in 1.0. The documentation has been updated to reflect reality much better.

Posted by Marco Seiriö 2004-05-20

ruleCore 1.1beta1 released

This release fixed a number of bugs in the Designer gui and the Engine. The 1.1 release is focused on making things easier to use and harder to break.
The concept of "event selector" is introduced. An event selector lets you select which events that should take part in the situation detector of each rule instance.
Now events can be generated when an situation is detected (before and independent of if the rule triggers its action) or when a situation will never be detected.
Initial support is added for Zope based on the ZRuleCore product on Zope support is not tested att all yet.

Posted by Marco Seiriö 2004-05-09