

  • Neatofx

    Neatofx - 2005-01-31

    Was thinking that intergrating something like Safepeer the plugin for Azurues into Rufus would be a major advantage for Rufus. This way people can just download the block lists from BLM and put into their clients so they dont need any external programs such as Protowall etc.

    • ddave2k5

      ddave2k5 - 2005-02-04

      Safepeer is USELESS at eveything except taking up system resources. Ip's change, people can connect from anywhere in the world etc. If you don't like the risks of bittorrent either don't use it for copyrighted material or use private trackers.

    • marc

      marc - 2005-02-04

      I've seen a lot of attempted intrustions using Protowall so I wouldn't consider it useless I would say its stop 80% of stuff.

      Anyways at the end of the day its better than nothing at all.

    • chammie

      chammie - 2005-03-12

      well i agree to dave its useless to put it in this client
      it only takes ages to load the list and stuff i know a much better way for it

      go download peer guardian 2
      it supports all protocols takes less then 1 mb ram
      and you can maintain your own lists
      use that with rufus rulez i do the same and it works perfect
      there you go and download peer guardian 2 you love it


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