I love that rufus shows my upspeed in the tray icon, but I would love it more if once it hits the top, it would change colour and start at the bottom again..
Would be sweet and handy..
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Yeah I have it at 100, but some times I hit blazing fast speeds 300k plus and I would like a way to see how fast it is going, without have to set the limit that high. .
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I love that rufus shows my upspeed in the tray icon, but I would love it more if once it hits the top, it would change colour and start at the bottom again..
Would be sweet and handy..
Have you set the range of your upload speed in preferences?
Yeah I have it at 100, but some times I hit blazing fast speeds 300k plus and I would like a way to see how fast it is going, without have to set the limit that high. .