
Auto-Speed Adjustment (based off of latency).

  • Keith Snape

    Keith Snape - 2005-02-02

    Azureus has a neat little plugin called Autospeed which will adjust your max global upload based off of a user-definable latency threshold.

    You can choose the location to ping (defaults to google, as who else but google could withstand such a barrage of uselessness) and the ping threshold.  It will then poll every X often and adjust the speed up or down 1 kBps if the ping time meets, matches, or exceeds said threshold.

    I've come to rely on this as it allows me to keep my torrent client from gobbling up all available bandwidth, therefor letting me seed longer without having to shut off the torrents to let others use the internet for other needs with reasonable speed.

    It's a pretty simple addition and I'm sure it's something that a LOT of people would use.

    Details on plugin can be found here;

    • Keith Snape

      Keith Snape - 2005-02-02

      darn, I'm sorry - just noticed this has already been requested.  Oh well, goes to show how well received it would be :)

    • Daesh

      Daesh - 2005-02-05

      Actually this is even easier (Actually I dunno) but certainly more useful than my request (


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