
Anti-Leeching Strategies

  • panique

    panique - 2005-12-08

    I really like Rufus, primarily because of the anti-leeching strategies.  It isn't the fastest client around (I guess that dubious honour would probably go to BitComet), but I reckon it's the fairest.  However, its ant-leeching strategies doesn't work while seeding.

    Let me explain.  Tonight, while I was downloading, I could see that there were around 800 peers in the swarm, but I could only connect to around 50, no matter how many times I polled the tracker (I have my max connections set to 200).  However, once I had finished downloading and begun seeding, suddenly remote connections started coming in very fast - in less than 3 mins, I had maxed out my 200 connections.  I felt like I had just won a lottery and suddenly had 200 friends I never knew existed previously!

    So, my suggestion: while seeding, first preference to people who have given me more than I have them. Just to be fair.  Second preference should be given to people who have at least given me something, anything.  Last preference should be given to new peers just starting out - people with 0.0% completion.  Once these three preferences are done, seeding can stop.

    What do you guys think?

    • Campervan

      Campervan - 2005-12-15

      Sounds good, but I would put people with nothing or near nothing 2nd on the list. Getting more people with stuff to trade helps out everyone.

    • Odo

      Odo - 2006-02-10

      These options appear to be part of Rufus already, don't they?

    • marc

      marc - 2006-02-17

      I believe that they throttle people a fair bit.  Thats not to say whats causing the throttle but my understanding was that it was from people who are not uploading sufficiently.

      However I'm sure Doc could answer it better.


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