
Save RSS addresses

  • FireNoodle

    FireNoodle - 2005-02-21

    As of yet, the RSS tab doesn't seem to save the addresses you put in. This makes it largely useless no? Who wants to keep typing them in? Also, it would be nice if the RSS could auto-update-> then auto-add torrents with a given name including wildcards, etc. What do you think?

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-02-21

      [Add/Del] button on the left of the RSS reader adds and deletes addresses from the list, it's basic but it works.  I might add a tooltip to the [Add/Del] button explaining that, as I guess it could be taken as add/delete torrent

      Adding auto downloading sounds interesting.  Add a feature request to the tracker to remind me and to get comments from other users.



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