
Couple of 'minor annoyances'

  • bodgy

    bodgy - 2005-05-16

    These probably only effect a small minority of users - but I thought I would ask and see what might be done...

    Allow resizing of main window to any dimensions...
    Yours is locked as in how small a window it can be made. I like to resize the window smaller than currently allowed...  I like to leave the window open in the top corner of my screen.

    Also I use a shell explorer replacement (bblean) and double clicking on a title bar "rolls up" the window.  Double clicking again returns the window to normal.. but with Rufus when the window returns to normal the display window (where torrents are listed etc) is screwed, I have to press the toggle switches to be able to get things back to normal.

    Another thing is that when using Rufus/G3 even if getting 10k d/l speeds (I have a 1500/256) it causes lag in online games.  Downloading the same torrent with ABC I can be getting 100k+ and not experience lag.  Any ideas ??  Game is usually Battlefield or COD.UO..

    Admittedly the 3 above 'problems' are minor - but they are what stops me continuing to use this program - I still currnetly use the g3 tweaked v0.9 version (the newer one is too bugged) as the first 2 problems dont exist with it - even though I still suffer with the 'lag' issue..

    Thanks anyway....

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-05-17


      Heh... it's always good to ask ;)  Yeah the top two were introduced when we added the option to remove the toolbar.  I needed a quick fix and decided to limit the window size.  I'll try and fix this by the next version.

      I'd need more information to be able to work out what is causing the lag.  Any error messages in the windows Event Viewer that coincide with the problems you are having?  What speeds are you uploading at (not downloading) when you experience the lag?  Is the lag you experience from the internet or is it your machine slowing?  Are you downloading to the same drive as battlefield is installed on?  Are both Rufus and ABC using the same port range?




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