
Super seed

  • radnad

    radnad - 2005-04-28

    Super seeding ability... please !!!



    R a d

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-04-28

      It was on my list of things to add after upgrading the core but looking at Brams latest changelog:

      Taken from the text:
      "Improvments to seed behaviour which addresses the problem for which super-seeding was created, but without the problems of super-seeding."

      Looks like there might be no need for superseeding anymore...


    • radnad

      radnad - 2005-04-28

      Hey doc, excellent,

      are you updating every time Brams changes the torrent core source ???

      R a d

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-04-29

      Hey R a d,

      Yep, once the update is complete keeping the core up to date with Bram's will be easy.  It's not possible at the moment as the core Rufus currently uses (3.4.2) is very different to the new one (4.0.1).


    • marc

      marc - 2005-09-24

      Is this coming along?  Or are you waiting till rufus version 1 is out first then moving to integrate bittorrent 4?

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-24

      Hey Marc,

      The answer to that is yes and no. :)  It is coming along but I've decided that the cores are just too different to merge easily (I've tried a few times now).  So I'm actually going to add the useful features one-by-one, which will give me a better idea of how they work and how to fix them if they go wrong - which I think is a better way to go than just merging code.

      I've just added my own version of the 'fast resume' feature which is pretty stable (next version) and now that I have more time after a hectic summer I'm going to be working on some new seeding features based on scrape information...  I'll also add a superseed function, or at least change the way that seeding works to match the new core.

      Fancy testing the new version with fast resume?  Drop me an email if you do...



    • Idle1796

      Idle1796 - 2006-06-03

      I did a search on google for a torrent client where you could prioritise friends and eventually wound up here.  I`ve never heard of Rufus client so I gave it a go.  All I can say is thank god I did.  This client is awesome!  If you could impliment the super seed function this client as far as I am concerned would be perfect.
      If you could it would make my week!




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