
Refresh Torrent List Button..

  • Campervan

    Campervan - 2005-02-01

    I would love to see a button in rufus that would refresh the torrent list when pressed. Basically scanning for new torrent files and adding them to list. I have Firefox auto save torrents to a default foldre and would like afast way to wadd them so I don't have to wait for rufus to scan..

    ALso, I would like to see torrents to stay in place and not jump to the top of the screen when they are started..


    • Daesh

      Daesh - 2005-02-05

      I agree totally.

      Especially when I have more than one torrent to add it would be much more useful to click "Scan folder" than adding them one at a time through the "Add .torrent" button.


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