
Web interface problems

Zach Lym
  • Zach Lym

    Zach Lym - 2006-02-11

    I can't get the web inteface up unless I run Rufus as root, I don't care to do that all the time : )

    What are the proper owner and group settings for Rugus?  Or should I be chaning the ownership/group/permission settings on another file?

    Latest Ubuntu
    Rufus 6.9 via ubuntu forums contributed .deb package.

    Also, can we at least get a Wiki or something so we can make our own documentation?

    • Zach Lym

      Zach Lym - 2006-02-12

      Using sudo it shows up but I cannot add any torrents via the web interface.  The web interface will respond but Rufus stops working. X spits out a nice message:

      %sudo rufus
      Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0xf543)!

      While the web interface only serves up the last page.

      Rufus is still running, it sent 3K packages in about 3 seconds.  Although the torrent was/is pretty hot so it may be legit communication.

      I seem to have the wxPython dependencies met with 'python-wxversion' and 'python-wxgtk2.6'both listed as version ''

      Once, after adding a torrent via the web interface, Rufus did die of it's own accord and one other time gnome noticed it was locked up.

    • Zach Lym

      Zach Lym - 2006-02-12

      Gah, sorry, one more post : P

      If Rufus was working it wasn't writing anything to the file, according to the web interface and the restarted Rufus process there was no increase in the file size.

      When it gets finished tonight I'll update as to wether it went opens and installs okay.

    • marc

      marc - 2006-02-17

      no it won't I know there is a bug there.  I'm trying to figure where it comes in.  Its not a placement of locations.  The ownership is owned by root however its set to 755 I think or 744 can't remember.

      I have seen the issue and I have forwarded the relevant details to doc already about it and he was working through the bugs last I spoke to him.


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