
Way to know your connected

  • marc

    marc - 2005-01-29

    It rufus how do you know if you are connected to the tracker.  In azureus its the icon thats green however I'm not 100% sure how you know in rufus???  The said there are icons but I'm not sure which ones.

    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-01-30

      Check the messages tabbed.. If there is a tracker error it will be there.

    • marc

      marc - 2005-01-30

      Yeah I didn't have any errors there but for some reason I get better upload speed with azureus then I do rufus which sorta means that port forwarding is not set properly.  Thats what I'm more concerned about.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-01-30


      If you look in the status tab you will see a column headed 'Initiation'.  If there are 'Remote' and 'Local' entries it should indicate that port forward is working OK.



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