
100% CPU Bug

  • ddave2k5

    ddave2k5 - 2005-02-04

    I just finished downloading a torrent with Azureus and decided I would switch to Rufus to seed it and whenever I have the client open on the status tab it uses 100% cpu, any other tab or minimised and it goes back to 0%

    • Willaken

      Willaken - 2005-02-04

      Can you post more information about what's going on in the status and messages tab? We need a way to reproduce the bug to fix it.

    • ddave2k5

      ddave2k5 - 2005-02-04

      The only thing in the status tab was 100% complete and 4 peers I was uploading to, As for the the messages tab I can't remember 100% as I have since closed Rufus, but there didn't appear to be anything amis just something like adding torrent.

      Since closing and re-opening Rufus the 100% cpu usage on the status tab has gone. Perhaps it has something to do with the hash check when a file is first added?

      • Willaken

        Willaken - 2005-02-04

        do you have skip hash check at 100% unchecked in General options?

    • ddave2k5

      ddave2k5 - 2005-02-05

      nope, all default settings. but it would do a hash check as it was downloaded in another client and would need to check if it was complete.


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