
Error: Contains invalid data

  • Neatofx

    Neatofx - 2005-02-07

    Every time I try to download a torrent off the torrent site I admin on (PGAC) I get this error. [Error] - Response file C:\DOCUME~1\KRISTO~1\LOCALS~1\TEMP\Deep.Paint.3D.2.0.rar.torrent contains invalid data.
    But I only get that error with Rufus and not Bitcomet or Azurues.. Any suggestions? I really love Rufus and would have to switch over this :(

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-02-07

      Can you e-mail the torrent file or a link to it to this e-mail address: c4n15.rufu5 at gmail dot com.  So I can have a look at the torrent file.



    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-02-09

      Try getting a torrent from Demonoid, Filelist, PGAC etc.. They all get errors. :(

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-02-09

      Send me the torrent files and I'll have a look - c4n15.rufu5 at gmail dot com .  Oh and don't use the drag and drop... there is a bug with it that can give the 'error in torrent file'. I'm putting up a new version soon


    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-02-09

      The only reason I ask for the files is that filelist and PGAC aren't accepting new memberships...  Also so I'm using the same data as you for testing



    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-02-10

      Im not dragging and dropping. Grabbing and having them open with Rufus as default. If you cant get into PGAC (Currently invte only :) ) And listlist is a 50k max member try demonoid.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-02-10

      Hey man,

      Can't sign up to demonoid either - I registered for a new account and no confirmation was sent.  Tried with 2 different e-mail addresses, still nothing.  Are you totally sure you don't want to send me the torrent files?  It would be more useful if you did as I would actually be looking at the exact files you were having problems with...



    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-02-10

      I'll send you a torrent.. Its not any one specific torrents. Its a bunch of torrents.

    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-02-10

      Hmmm thats weird. I upgraded to 0.4.7 and tried to download something from demonoid and got error. Stopped the torrent in firefox because it was trying to open still and redownloaded. And now it works. O.o


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