
Search Engines?

  • Campervan

    Campervan - 2005-09-02

    Great new version.. !!

    Thou, I do have a question about the 'search engines' features? IE. How do they work and where to grab them..


    • LeoXV

      LeoXV - 2005-09-02

      It is windows only.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-02

      Hey man,

      Yeah I'm putting together a small txt guide which I'll post here and on the help/FAQ pages also.


    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-09-03

      Agreed glad a new version came out... can't wait for the tutorial for the search engine.. ofcourse I'm experimenting on my own as well

    • fadetoblack

      fadetoblack - 2005-09-03

      It was so nice to open rufus and see that a new version is out, at least it's confirmation the project is still active.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-03

      Hey fadetoblack,

      Yeah it's been a pretty busy 4 months but everything is calming down now so development will return to normal. 

      I have been working on some bigger changes - fast resume being one of them, but there is still a gap between my python knowledge and the results/features I want to add.  But the regular development/bug fixing will continue while I close the gaps in my knowledge :)


    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-09-04

      Doing a little experimenting on the search engine, the obvious configuration is easy enough, but still not sure how to work the delimiter... Can't wait for the tutorial!!

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-04


      The delimiter is what seperates the different search words that would go in the url requested
      eg. test+search+for+a+file

      Most search engines use +

      Hope that helps.  Almost finished guide.  Busy weekend.


    • kredamkiw

      kredamkiw - 2005-09-04

      Copy & paste into search.ini
      0 = [u'BitTorrent', u'', u'+']
      1 = [u'BT Bot', u'', u'+']
      2 = [u'BT Junkie', u'', u'+']
      3 = [u'ISOHunt', u'', u'+']
      4 = [u'Mad Torrent', u'', u'+']
      5 = [u'Meganova', u'', u'+']
      6 = [u'Mininova', u'', u'+']
      7 = [u'New Torrents', u'', u'+']
      8 = [u'Snarf It', u'', u'+']
      9 = [u'The Pirate Bay', u'', u'+']
      10 = [u'Torrent Box', u'', u'+']
      11 = [u'Torrent Reactor', u'', u'+']
      12 = [u'Torrent Spy', u'', u'+']
      13 = [u'Yotoshi', u'', u'+']

    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-09-04

      Much appreciation for the info.. not I can get back to experimenting, but I'm still looking forward to the tutorial

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-07

      OK here is a brief guide to adding a page to the search panel:

      First load your favourite torrent site that has a search engine/page in your web browser and type in a search term into their search box, for example:
      'new thing I want' (without the ' ' )
      and click the search button.  When the search results are returned, the URL in your web browsers address bar should have changed.  The address might look something like this:

      If you notice you can still see the words that we used for the search in the URL. Inbetween each word of the search is a '+'.  This is the DELIMITER.
      This part of the address is the LINK:

      The rest of the address:
      can be ignored in this case

      Take this info and select the search page in Rufus and select the small 'cog' button on the bottom right to see the search settings.

      Click the [NEW] button and then enter the name of the search engine.  Then enter the link ( and finally the delimiter (+).  Then click [save].

      Hopefully I haven't missed anything out :) 

      NOTE: This won't work for every site that has a search function.

      Looks like someone has already posted a whole bunch of settings here in the forums:

      Copy it and paste it into the search.ini file in the Rufus program files directory.

      Hope that helps. 


    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-07


      I also wanted an opinion on something... I am thinking about adding another small function to the search page:

      Instead of searching the pages individually you could check a box that said "search all sites".  You would then type in a search and it would spawn a new instances of IE for each engine with the results displayed.

      Does that sound useful?


    • Hazawrath

      Hazawrath - 2005-09-08


      Sounds promising, especially if your searching for a hard to find file that may require more then one search engine..

      Then again I have to many search engine and I dont think I would want it to search everyone.. if possible I think you should put th ability to Choose which engines to use in the multiple search option..

      Whatever you decide I'm sure it will be good doc


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