
Too many open files Errno 24

  • tagged1

    tagged1 - 2006-01-08

    I saw another post here about this and have done extensive searching of the web about how to up the OS limit...but i got nuttin'!!

    Everything points to mysqld which I thought was a linux deal.  If you know how I could correct this in my OS (Windows XP) I would really appreciate it.

    The program is really awesome!

    • y0himba

      y0himba - 2006-01-08

      I have the patch for the WinXP TCP limit.  No, its not a virus or other garbage, it's legit. I currently have mine set to 500 half open connections, the default since WinXP SP2 is 10.
      Firs tlink searching Google for "winxp tcp connections patch"
      Look here:

      and here:

    • tagged1

      tagged1 - 2006-01-08

      I really had high hopes for this but I still have the same results.  I'm trying to keep about 10-12 active torrents.  I set my limit at 1024 and still get the error.  Let me know if you can think of anything else.

    • panique

      panique - 2006-01-10

      To y0himba:

      Ok, I'm not too sure, but I've heard that you should not set your limit to more than 100.  Why would you need 500?

      Remember, this refers to HALF-open slots, not established connections.  Basically, when you try to connect to another peer, you open a half-open slot.  Once the peer replies, the connection is established and the half-open slot is freed to make another connection.

      Even while running BitComet with 6 torrents active, the maximum number of half-open slots I've seen used is around 30+, and then only for under 5 secs.  As soon as the peers are all connected, the number of half-open slots used drops to 1 or 2, for new arrivals to the torrent.

      So I think setting the number of slots at 500 is just overkill and a waste of resources.

      To tagged1:
      I don't think this setting as anything to do with the number of files open, which has to file handles, not half-open slots.  I don't think this an XP problem either, as XP can handle a humongous amount of file handles.  As a wild guess, I suspect your problem is most like due to the way Rufus manages its disc caching.

      Solution? don't run so many torrents!  Just how fast is your connection anyway?  Remember: divide your uplink speed by the number of total upload slots, and if the answer is less than 0.3 KB/s per slot, you're going to by snubbed by most peers (read the BitTorrent protocol for more details on snubbing).



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