
Broken Seed options?

  • Campervan

    Campervan - 2005-09-03

    It could just be me, but I set up of my torrents to seed forever and it still stoped at 1:1. Could this be broken? Any one else having that problem?


    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-07

      Checked the code and tested it with a few different torrents here and it seems to be OK.  Are you still having problems with it?



    • LeoXV

      LeoXV - 2005-09-07

      Fixed seeding bug in (rufus-0.5.9 LeoXV's version)

    • Monk

      Monk - 2005-09-08

      I encountered what may be a similar problem last night with seeding.

      I had a few torrents which I had set to stop at 1.0. Later, after I'd finished my downloads for the evening, I tried changing this, setting them to seed for a certain time period, which didn't work. After that failed to get them to start seeding, I set them all to keep sharing. which also didn't work. I ended up loading them into Azureus and seeding them that way. It looked like Rufus was trying to seed them, it was just failing to connect to anyone.

      This seems to be a problem in general, even when downloading. That is, Rufus doesn't connect to other peers very well - Rufus doesn't establish many local connects at all in comparison to Azureus or BitComet and I also noticed that Rufus doesn't scrape the tracker frequently enough when DLing(Doesn't seem to be a problem when seeding). Though, even manually polling the tracker doesn't help much with establishing connections.

      I have Windows tweaked to allow many more outbound connection attempts than the default and have also set the max local connects in Rufus to a similarly high number in an attempt to take advantage of this. With Azureus or BitComet there's a pronounced difference when establishing local connects in terms of number and speed with which the connects are established.

    • Monk

      Monk - 2005-09-08

      After some further experimentation, I think I see why I was unable to start seeding those torrents again. It seems that unless you restart the program after changing your port(s), you're unable to connect to any downloaders.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-08


      Yep you need to restart the client after a port change.  I'll add a note to the preferences.

      Rufus isn't as aggressive with the tracker annouce (scrape for peers) as some of the other clients.  I seem to remember that azureus announces more often toward the beginning of a download (someone correct me if I am wrong) and then follows a similar pattern of announcing later (every 5 mins).  This might be a good feature to add to Rufus... I'll add it to my todo, though it may be a while before I get to it. ;)



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