
Trouble instlaling 0.6.5 on (K)Ubuntu

  • Jonathan2007

    Jonathan2007 - 2005-10-16

    Hi. I am trying to install Rufus 0.6.5 on Kubuntu Breezy using Strikeforce's deb files. His deb is located here You can see my posts about trying to get it to run on pages 9 and 10 of this thread at the UbuntuForums The problem is that I can't get Rufus to open. I first tried it in Hoary using Strikeforce's deb for Hoary but Rufus refused to open. I decided to upgrade to Breezy and after I did I uninstalled the Hoary package and installed the Breezy package. But the same thing occurred. Strikeforce has tried to help me a lot. I believe I have all the necessary depencies but I am getting stuff in the error.log and in the rufus.log. My error.log says the following:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rufus/", line 1865, in run
        app = MyApp(False)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rufus/", line 1845, in __init__
        wx.App.__init__(self, flag)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/", line 7473, in __init__
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/", line 7125, in _BootstrapApp
        return _core_.PyApp__BootstrapApp(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rufus/", line 1850, in OnInit
        frame = Reba(path, sys.argv[1:])
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rufus/", line 164, in __init__
        self.friends = friend.FriendList(self.btconfig.Get("path"))
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rufus/", line 119, in __init__
        path = self.btconfig.Get("path")
    AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'Get'

    My rufus.log says the following:
    Rufus requires wxwindows
    Installed wx version:
    Web Browser
    Software package rely on your $BROWSER variable being set.
    export BROWSER='firefox'
    File Browser
    Software package rely on your $FILEBROWSER variable being set.
    export FILEBROWSER='konqueror'
    If you have filenames encoded in the encoding of your locale, then
    you may want to set the G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 environment variable.
    Loading Images /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rufus

    Strikeforce even sent me a to replace with my current one but that didn't help. When I run Rufus from a terminal it just takes me back to $.

    If you have any suggestions I am open to trying this app. It looks great and I am sick of using that resource hog Azureus. Thanks for taking time to read my post and for making this app.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-10-21


      Can you post a list of the different versions of the Rufus related packages you have installed - python, wxpython etc.  Also check the permissions on the btconfig.ini file as it looks like it is initialised as a string - this shouldn't happen and may be a bug.  I will check.

      I don't have a linux distro running at the moment as I destroyed (dropped) my laptop a few weeks back and am waiting on a new motherboard for it.  Should be here early next week so I will be able to help more then.



    • superontvetter

      superontvetter - 2005-10-21

      I dunno the cause.
      But what i know is that i've installed rufus a couple days back from a fresh kubuntu 5.10 + python-wxgtk2.6 + strikeforce deb package and it still works without any problems.
      Maybe it's some update package in the beginning of 5.10 that broke your stuff.

    • Jonathan2007

      Jonathan2007 - 2005-10-23

      Sorry it took me so long to respond. I have been busy with school and work.I am using:
      python 2.4
      python-wxversion = 2.6.1

      But the weird thing is it says I have python-wxversion 2.6.1 but the only wxpython package I see (when I search for python) is 2.5.3. So maybe I am missing something... Any ideas?

      • marc

        marc - 2005-10-27

        Can you try the following and post the output please.

        sudo aptitude search python-wxgtk | grep 'i'

        sudo aptitude search python-wxgtk2.4
        p   python-wxgtk2.4

    • superontvetter

      superontvetter - 2005-10-24

      I am not so much a python guy myself yet, but my packages are:

      python                  2.4.2-0ubuntu2  (nothing to do with rufus my guess)
      python2.4             2.4.2-1

    • marc

      marc - 2005-10-24

      It could possibly be trying to use python-wxgtk2.4 what dependancies are required for that?

      In my package list for breezy I don't have python-wxgtk2.4 Can you try erasing that.  Only if there are no dependancies associated with it.

      • superontvetter

        superontvetter - 2005-10-24

        whispering: i am the one with rufus working ;-)

        • marc

          marc - 2005-10-26

          As you can see I'm really switched on :(

          Yeah just clicked to that.

    • Jonathan2007

      Jonathan2007 - 2005-10-27

      for the first one i got

      p   python-wxgtk2.4                 - wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (
      i   python-wxgtk2.6                 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (

      for the second i got
      p   python-wxgtk2.4                                   - wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding)

      for the 3rd one (that one was supposed to be separate right? of course i used a sudo apititude search in front of it) i got a big long list of scrolling through packages. it gave me nothing but the big list in the end.

    • marc

      marc - 2005-10-28

      and you try and remove python-wxversion and see what it wants to remove.

      I don't mean remove it just see what it wants to remove I still personally think that some how python-wxgtk2.4 is getting called.

    • Jonathan2007

      Jonathan2007 - 2005-10-28

      I tried that in Synaptic and it said it wanted to remove python-wxgtk2.6 and rufus. Hope that helps...

    • marc

      marc - 2005-10-31

      Are you able to delete python-wxgtk2.4?  I'm thinking that thats what is causing the issues?

    • Jonathan2007

      Jonathan2007 - 2005-11-01

      It is not installed or so says Synaptic. How would I go about deleting it if maybe some of it got left behind?

    • superontvetter

      superontvetter - 2005-11-02

      Have you tried removing and reinstall python-wxgtk2.4 and 2.6?

      I did a complete reinstall of kubuntu 5.10 today, and again strikeforce package worked flawless here. It must be something on your system and the question remains, what.

    • Jonathan2007

      Jonathan2007 - 2005-11-05

      You are never going to believe this superontvetter, but your suggestion worked. Thanks a ton.

      I only had python-wxgtk2.6 installed so I uninstalled that and it took Rufus with it. Then I reinstalled both 2.4 and 2.6 and then used strikeforce's breezy deb (just like i have done so many times before) and it installed and I started it and it opened fine.

      Thanks again so much.


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