
Compiling on windows...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2006-02-25

    Trouble compiling on Windows. Some dependancies aren't listed, like Psycho and Py2exe. Those are the easy ones. It also wants "cjkcodecs.aliases" and "iconv_codec", which are supposed to be included with Python 2.4 already, but they "appear to be missing". It wants "mhash", but there aren't Windows DLLs for it, I'll have to compile that in cygwin they say (Yay). It requires "mx.Tidy" and "mxDateTime.__version__", but I've installed the "egenix-mx-base-2.0.6-py2.4" package already. I tried installing OpenSSL and pyOpenSSL, but I used a 3rd party installer for OpenSSL. I installed "" manually.

    Since compiling poorly should make it fail, and it doesn't, it gives out some errors on closing. "g3rpcserver.pyo line 566 in listenforever, socketserver.pyo line 217 in handle_request, socketserver.pyo line 373 in get_request, timeoutsocket.pyo line 281 in accept : Attempted accept timed out". It sounds like that's related to, but there's only one file available on

    I realize I'm making a couple mistakes, but these dependancies are difficult. I'm using Python 2.4, wxpython, pywin32-204, py2exe0.6.4, OpenSSLv.0.9.8a, pyOpenSSL-0.6, and Rufus0.6.9., as close to what's listed in "build yer own" as I could. Could someone please list my mistakes, this is looking like the perfect replacement for BitTornado. Thanks for the help, just don't suggest "download the compiled version" ;-)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-03-05

      Ok, fine. It seems to be working, though continuing downloads after uninstalling/reinstalling appeared to give the wrong numbers for completed percent; turning that feature off fixes it if it's broken.

      Do those messages in the error log mean anything dangerous?

      I realize the developer could be the only one to answer the questions in the first message, and it appears he's away/moving, but surely someone else compiles this thing?

    • dimethicone

      dimethicone - 2006-07-16

      It also complains about the "Missing" egenix base here. It looks like OpenSSL is only used for the web administration.


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