
Trouble seeding

  • Neatofx

    Neatofx - 2005-04-21

    When downloading with Rufus I am able to upload but right when torrent finishes or I make my own torrent and seed it no one can connect to me. Im not behind router, firewall is off and using ports 45555^ so its not blacklisted ports ( I can seed with Arctic ). I dont get any information like how many peers are connected to the torrent at all but they are showing up else where. Gets pretty frustrating.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-04-21


      Apologies for all the questions. Just to confirm:  Once you have downloaded the torrent Rufus refuses to take new connections or do all peers disappear from the status list once you have 100%? Does this happen with all trackers or one specifically?  Has this just appeared in 0.5.6 (I'm assuming this is the version you are using)?



    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-04-21

      I'll be able to upload when a torrent is downloading but when its 100% Seeding doesnt work. I dont get any peer response what so ever. Has been happening in the last few versions of Rufus.

    • hardcase

      hardcase - 2005-04-21

      ..just to let you know d0c...i am using 5.6...i got screenies of rufus working after dl & upping...showing recording with tracker...also i find looking in messages tells you status with tracker...if i get 5 bumps from it or bad data...i stop the proggy...then quit...wait a minute...restart rufus from desk short cut...all torrents reload...check messages as to status with tracker...also wotever i have upped shows again along wid me 100% complete...getting flags all stats...however i have noticed stuff like a blip where you have one upper...then you see three more uppers join flags stats etc...then they just disappear...don't know if you need screenies d0c...let me know...also using install as it comes in default...have made no changes...hc...

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-04-22

      Does this happen with all trackers?  Can you send me a copy of you btconfig.ini file to my e-mail address?



    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2005-04-22

      Yea it happens with all trackers. btconfig.ini is on its way.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-04-28


      Been out of the country so have only just had time to look at this.  How many torrents do you normally have running when this happens?  If you seed just one torrent with nothing else downloading does the same thing happen?  I have a couple of ideas but I need to know if Rufus will seed normally with only one torrent loaded.



    • peks

      peks - 2005-05-03


      I'm getting this problems too..When I download a file and it starts seeding rufus finds no peers or seeds (I'm sure there are some)..It happens even when I'm trying to seed one file..

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-05-03

      Hey Peks :)

      OK.  Same questions: Does it only happen with one tracker or every tracker? If you are only seeding one file or downloading one file does this still happen? 



    • peks

      peks - 2005-05-03

      Hi doc,

      Yeah it happens when I'm seeding only one file..about other trackers..must download something first so I try to seed:)..I'll be in touch..


    • peks

      peks - 2005-05-05

      hi doc,

      as I said it happens when I'm seeding only one file, so I tried with other trackers..and it's a little better but I can't still reach my upload limit(there are many peers so it should have reached it)..Another thing about this seeding thing: When I'm seeding from time to time I get some peers (max 3) for a minute and then they start to go if I can't establish connection with them..From time to time I even seed to them but not much (in two days - whole days - I uploaded 11 MB)..hope you solve the problem fast:)..

      see ya doc

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-05-05

      Hey Peks,

      Can you e-mail me a list (via e-mail) of the trackers that you have been experiencing this with?  It might be a conflict between Rufus and certain tracker software... I'm hoping it's not going to be a bug that I can't replicate. 



    • ReactorScram

      ReactorScram - 2005-09-09

      0.6.3 (source) for linux, and experiencing the same problem

      i don't think it has anything to do with the tracker in question, because when i remove the (completed) torrent and then open it again, it starts seeding immediately. besides, it happens on all trackers i used so far.

      looks like it might be a bug after all :(

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-10

      Hey ReactorScram,

      Has this just appeared in 0.6.3? Can you e-mail me your Rufus config file as well and give me any other info that you think is relevant. (via my gmail account that I used to contact you before)



    • ReactorScram

      ReactorScram - 2005-09-11

      Hi d0c,

      Actually, I had it with previous versions too, but I just tried 0.6.4 and it seems to be working now! :)

      I'll do some more testing and let you know.



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