
Web interface

  • Ducks

    Ducks - 2005-09-15

    is it possible to change the layout of the web interface?

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-16


      The web interface isn't user configurable if that is what you mean...  what changes are you looking for?


    • Ducks

      Ducks - 2005-09-17

      It would be nice if you was able to design your own webinterface, I don't know if it's hard for you to make a html template file the program generates the webinterface from, with commands to tell where output should be placed in the document. Like:

      Seeds: <Rufus>Seeds</Rufus><br />
      Downspeed: <Rufus>DownloadSpeed</Rufus><br />

      If you know what i mean..

      And it would also be nice if you could change some of the basic settings from the webinterface, like global upload / download etc.

      How many seeders and leechers would also be nice in the webinterface

      But don't think i hate your webinterface ;) I really appreciate that you've included it, I run Rufus on my server therefor the webinterface is a must :)

    • Campervan

      Campervan - 2005-09-17

      yeah, the webinterface is a god sent. I love being able to add and monitor torrents at work. Thou there is nothing fundamentaly wrong with it, it would be nice to have it updated. Even basic stuff, like is there a seed? would be great. I hate not know and then I get home seen that  I've wasted my time.



    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2005-09-17


      I've been thinking about re-writing the web interface functions for a while so this might be a good excuse.  I want to finish a couple of other things first (fast resume is getting close to completion) I'll try and put in xml/html templates in 0.6.7...

      Just added peers seeds and leechers to the web interface so it'll be in the next version.



    • Ducks

      Ducks - 2005-09-17

      Sounds nice.. also nice you actually respond the users - and fast, too many developers don't think such things are important :/


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