
ruby-tmpl: templating ala (mod_)Ruby / News: Recent posts

Added URI based sessions....

URI based sessions now available from CVS and will be included in the next release of ruby-tmpl!!!!

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-08-24

ANNOUNCE: ruby-tmpl-0.2.2 released

Updated ruby-tmpl to include namespaces

General code cleanup

Install process now works with FreeBSD's ports

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-08-23

ruby-tmpl has namespaces and conditionals...

Ruby-tmpl now has name spaces and conditionals. Very cool pieces of code/functionality. Check out the latest version in CVS or the online docs for more info. A new release is in the works....

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-08-15

ruby-tmpl-0.2.1a released....

Download it and check it out. Mailing lists available and the documentation has been updated.

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-08-12

NEW FEATURE: Search path

A search path is now available. Now you no longer have to specify a single file directory, instead you can specify an array of directories to use for file includes and docroot_includes.

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-08-05

Can now specify output files...

In a calling rbx script, you can now specify an output file that way in a Makefile you don't have to constantly redirect the output. For example:

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
require "ruby-tmpl"

templates = ['examples.tmpl','faq.tmpl','index.tmpl',

tmpl =
tmpl.munge_output = false
tmpl.path = "./tmpl"

templates.each do |file|
tmpl.file = file
html_file = file.sub(/\.tmpl\Z/, '.html')
tmpl.out_file = "./docs/" + html_file
$stdout.print "\t" + File.join(tmpl.path, file) + " -> " + tmpl.out_file + "\n"

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-30

NEW TAG: docroot_include

A new tag, docroot_include has been created, but it needs documentation!!! See the source code for examples for now... expect this to get used as soon as the ruby-tmpl site gets over to using ruby-tmpl for its page creation!

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-30

New Feature: Offline processing....

The latest version of the code has the ability to do offline processing! No you can create ruby-tmpl documents offline and then push the resulting documents into a static HTML environment for content serving via thttpd or some other webserver.

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-28

ruby-tmpl 0.2 released...

Version 0.2 of ruby-tmpl has been released. Many new features and changes. Pickup a copy and install....

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-18

Template syntax change...

Template syntax has changed from:

<tmpl.* />


<?tmpl.* ?>

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-18

Four new tmpl tags..

Four new tmpl tags have been added to the tmpl language:

* tmpl.http_headers_in
* tmpl.http_headers_out
* tmpl.env
* tmpl.eval

tmpl.http_headers* and tmpl.env tags are fully functional. Information regarding these tags is available in the code itself. Online documentation should come shortly.

tmpl.eval is considered VERY experimental and is actually very dangereous to use. Page timeouts and malicious code are two possibilities from using that particular tag. A security config file will come soon to prevent malicious use of the tag.

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-18

Alpha version of ruby-tmpl....

An alpha version of ruby-tmpl is ready to be tested and pounded on. Please see for more information.

Posted by Sean Chittenden 2001-07-12