
What is the largest HD that can be used?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    What is currently the largest HD that can be used on the 5504?  I have seen people mention 250's but what about the 300 or 500 gig drives.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I just upgrade my 5040 with a 300gig drive.

      I've read that 500+ can be used (don't know for sure though)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If the bios will recognize anything larger than 137 gb (28 bit limit as opposed to 48 bit), then it can be expected to recognize 144 petabytes (a petabyte is 1,000 terabytes, or 1,000,000 gigabytes).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Now THAT would be a lot of hours!!!!!!!

    • A Braunsdorf

      A Braunsdorf - 2007-12-12

      I use those Seagate's made for DVRs.  I've got 750GB ones in my Replays and they work really well. is my initial report.

      There might not be larger ATA drives made (since they're going out of style), so that's probably a good choice for an upgrade.  Guess you could use two if you really wanted to go nuts.

      I did have a filesystem problem on one of them last week, but I don't think the drive was at fault in any way (it checked out fine, and extract_rtv confirmed that files were unlinked that shouldn't have been).  It is the first time I've had that problem, though (I've seen it discussed here as something that happens "rarely"), and I've run my Replays a lot over the years (and have upgraded the drives a few times).



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