

  • SwebS

    SwebS - 2007-10-10

    maybe I'm a little slow... How exactly do I use extract_rtv to get the movies off my replaytv box. I'm using windows XP and I want to grab mpgs off my replaytv box and pull them to my PC to load onto a mediagate.

    When I use dvarchive its very slow and the format the mpgs come out in are not compatible.

    Is there any way to make the mpgs compatible?

    Thanks in advance.

    • A Braunsdorf

      A Braunsdorf - 2007-12-12

      You remove the drive from your Replay and attach it to your computer.  Should be able to hook it up any way (either as internal drive or in a external box).  Then you run extract_rtv to read the files from it.

      The files are the same MPEG streams you'd get with DVArchive.  On the Mac, I use MPEG Streamclip to fix up any timecode errors and do simple editing.  The resulting MPEG2 plays OK, but sometimes they'll confuse DVD players if you seek around in them.  Depending on what you're doing, you might want to transcode it to another format.

      I hadn't had to use extract_rtv before now, and it has some problems.  I managed to patch it to work around what I needed most, but that program could use some serious fixing up.  Is anyone actively working on it?



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